Well... fancy seeing you here!

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Cathrine's POV

With the cold air stinging my face, I hurried along towards the beach, where I'd promised to meet Alexa. 
I hoped I wouldn't run into any of the Harpies, as I really didn't have any wishes to be eaten, but my journey was unhindered. 
I skidded to a stop a metre in front of three figures: Alexa, Arkham, and the cloaked figure I recognized as Omega, leader of the Chaos army. 
"Hello, Alexa, Arkham, Commander Omega", I said smiling. 
Omega waved his hand dismissively. "Please, no 'commander'," he said. "Call me P- uh, Poseidon".
It was like lightning had struck me.
Omega seemed to realize at the same time what he had said. 
Alexa put her hand on his arm. "Omega!" she said sharply. "I told you not to say stuff like that! Next you'll be declaring that you're Zeus!" 
The sky rumbled.
"I'm stronger than Zeus anyway", Omega said airily. 
The sky rumbled louder.
I was certain Omega would have rolled his eyes. 
"Well, uh, Alexa, you called?" I said questioningly.
She nodded, a sparkle in her eyes. 
"Yes, but first we have a few people for you to catch up with. They will be helping us with the, uh, mission". She was smiling when she said 'mission', so I had hopes. 
She stepped aside, and three familiar faces, and one sligtly less familiar, joined us. 
"Oh my gods, Robin! I didn't know you knew Arkham?" I exclaimed. 
She shook her head. "I didn't", she said, "but Alexa and I are close." She smiled. 
I rolled my eyes. "I knew that. And Chelly!!! I haven't seen you in awhile. Leo? Wow... okay... How are you...? And... oh!"
Guess who that last person was... 
Okay, your guessing sucks, it was Jace. As in, Jace Euro.
I looked awkwardly at Chelly. "Um... hi, Jace", I squeaked.
He laughed. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" he asked.
"No", I said. "You know Alexa? Oh! Right... she's your halfie..." 
He shrugged. "I pretend it doesn't count", he said. "She's just another annoying demigod, eh?" he punched Alexa in the arm and she punched him back, much harder. 
He rubbed his arm. "Oww!"  he moaned. 
She grinned. "Don't mess with me", she warned him. 
He nodded weakly.
I just stood there awkwardly. 
"So..." I said. "Watch any good movies lately?"
Everyone burst out laughing. "That. Is. the. Most. Awkward. Conversation. Starter, thatisusedinanyandeverystereotypicalwaypossible", laughed Alexa.
Chelly laughed, ten looked at me, letting me know she didn't want me to possibly escape embarrassing myself in front of Jace. 
I narrowed my eyes at her. Was she trying to be annoying? and embarrassing?
Jace laughed. "Hey, Alexa, you could always shut up, you know?" he said. "You are so Asian". 
Which earned him another punch. 
"Get the punchline now?" she asked innocently. 
He nodded. "Yes, Mary", he said. 
(A/N Okay, before you get to confused with that one, just to let you know, 'Mary' is an inside joke, okay? Comment if you understand it!!!)
She looked like she was about to punch him again, when Arkham coughed loudly. "Uh, hate to interrupt your universal flirting session, but we have work to do."
Almost all faces went red: Mine, Alexa's, Chelly's, Robin's and Jace's. 
Especially Jace's. 
"So, uh, what's the plan?" asked Leo. 
Arkham looked important. "Don't you know? Well, I suppose you midgets might not have been entrusted with the information prior to now so I suppose I have to tell - Omega, what's the plan?"
Omega seemed to smirk. "First things first, no more of the 'Omega' stuff. So long as you midgets keep your traps shut."
He glared at me, his masked eyes seeming to bore though me and into my soul. It gave me shivers. "Especially you", he said. 
My eyes widened in protest. "Why me? What did I do???" I exclaimed. 
Omega shook his head pityingly. "Children of Athena always get my worst emotions tossed at them", he said in an inexplanatory way. 
I must have seemed confused, because I swear his facial expressions softened behind the mask. "Annabeth really doesn't need to know who I am", he said. "Promise you won't tell her?"
"I already know who you are", I said suddenly. 
"What?" he asked cautiously.
"You heard me", I said rudely. "And why shouldn't Annabeth know you are alive, Percy?" 
There was a collective gasp from the group.
"You're Percy???" demanded Chelly.
"You are... Percy?" wondered Robin.
"Sup bro!" chorused Leo and Jace enthusiastically, holding their arms out for a bro-hug. 
Percy pulled off his hood and shot me a dirty look. "Yes, I am Percy, as Miss Smarty-Pants here just pointed out", he scowled. 
He looked at Jace and his face softened, and the smiled on Jace's face made my heart race... (okay, that rhyming was just awkward...)
"The point being", I interrupted, "is why don't you want Annabeth to know? She is really amazing, but when you left she was shattered. She needed you, relied on you. And don't you dare say she abandoned you. It took a full hour of charm-speak from Brok just for that little scene they made. She loves you, Percy. You are her Seaweed Brain."
His face remained stony. "Maybe I don't want to be a Seaweed brain anymore. Maybe I don't want Annabeth to lead everything. Maybe I want to be a leader for once."
He glared at me. "You know what? Just forget it", he spat. 
Jace looked at me sympathetically. He looked at Percy. "Yo, bro, it isn't all her fault, you know."
Percy looked a bit taken aback. 
"Yeah, I know, I used to blame everything that went wrong on her too, but sadly, she isn't that easy to blame anymore. I know, my head says she's wrong but my... uh... other side of my head says she's right', Jace rambled on. 
I smiled a bit, though I was also blushing. 
Alexa elbowed me twice in the side. "Ooooh, Cathrine..." she whispered to me. 
"Shut up", I hissed back.
Alexa and Robin discreetly high-fived. 
Chelly looked put out, so I walked over to stand by her. "Chill", I muttered to her. "I think he prefers you, so don't worry about it."
I think I heard her mutter, 'for a daughter of Athena, you sure are thick', but it must have been my imagination. 
I had to focus on Percy. 
"So, what's the mission?" chirped Robin (hee hee pun), interrupting our awkward bubbles of silence. 
"Well", began Percy. "Here's what we have to do..."

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now