A Friendly Family reunion?

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Guys!!! You are amazing!!! 2.3K reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Guys!!! If my friends are reading this, no, I am not speaking in Code!!! Yet!!! XD XD XD XD Love you all!!!

*Jace's POV*

Well, a surprise visit from a hyper Alexa is not the best way to start off the week. 
I was just sitting in cabin 11, checking through some of my latest pranks I'd written down in my file-book. 
Then I heard this really loud crash noise, and my head spun around so fast I could've gotten whiplash. 

There, standing in the doorway was my least favourite sibling, Alexa Ray. 
"Got any cash?" came the usual call from my siblings, but I wasn't one of the many who spoke. 
Instead I ducked under my bunk (yeah, there was actually spare room in the cabin, Hephaestus cabin had extended it a lot) and hid in my secret cubby down there. 

But she had seen me. 

Alexa charged after me, and dragged me out of my cubby by my collar, and gave me a punch in the gut. 
"Hey, bro, why are you runnin' away from yo big sister?"
I was pretty sure I was older than her, but if I argued she would give me all the 'Chaos years' schist. 
I couldn't be bothered with all of that. 
"You can't beat me up", I protested weakly, trying to squirm out of her way. 
"Oh, I can't?" she demanded. "Well, if I can't, then maybe my superior can. he's the third most powerful being in the Galaxy, after  Chaos himself and Percy Jack-" she broke off, as if only just realizing what she was saying.
"What were you gonna say?" I demanded. "Percy Jackson? The world's greatest hero? That Percy Jackson?"
She swallowed nervously. 
"I can tell when you're lying", I reminded her. 
Yeah, me, the insensitive son of Hermes, Jace Euro, could tell when people were lying by reading them. I'm special that way. 
Alexa turned away. "Maybe I was maybe I wasn't", she said evenly, in a monotone voice. "And if you'll excuse me, I have some cousins to go 'greet'.

I let her leave without another word being spoken between the two of us, but I knew that she had been unwilling to answer. Maybe she knew about Percy Jackson. 

Maybe Percy was still alive...

*Cathrine's POV*

Annabeth was the best sister I could ever want. 
Aside from Sarah, of course. She was my real, full-sister. 
They taught me things, about the 'myths', the Gods, and all sorts of other stuff that might be helpful, or would just be fun to know. 
The Athena cabin, I noted, was the Greek equivalent to Erudite. 
Ares was rather like Dauntless, I supposed, but most of them were recklessly brave.
That was the only faction connection I made between the two (Cabins and Factions).
In reality, it seemed, everyone was Divergent.
Well, considering that was the point of the books - everyone's divergent - I wondered why I had bothered to make the connections. 
Perhaps, just maybe, it was because I thought the idea of splitting people up based on their personalities was rather wrong. 
Or maybe it was the feeling I got when we split into our cabin groups at the end of the day, or during many of our activities. 
Athena was the smart cabin, the one with the answers. And maybe, like Tris, I didn't feel like living up to my expectations all the time. 
I just couldn't. 

Maybe all of us had a bit of Aphrodite's traits rubbing off on us, at least. I certainly was torn between two boys - Jace Euro of the Hermes cabin, who I doubt would ever like me in a god's lifetime, and Meeva McNallark, from the Apollo cabin, who hadn't talked to me in weeks, due to all the extra activities he had taken up (I had scheduled most of my study times for when the two of them were busy, which worked quite well). Anyway, I was head-over-heels for both of them, though all my friends, Robin and Cally and Alexa when she visited, told me they were both idiots, and that I should get over them. 

Cally, by the way, was 'officially' over Jace and now liked a boy from the Ares cabin, Cody. 

Anyway, I looked outside to see Alexa running over to cabin 6, and she was with Cally and Robin.
Why was I always the last to know about Alexa's returns? From whatever she did. Apparently it was 'Top Secret' and 'a Surprise that would be revealed Another Time'. 
Who knew with her?

 Anyway, she came rushing in, and pulled me into a massive hug, and I started shouting at her. "Where have you been?!!! We missed you!!! It has been forever!!!"

Her dark eyes sparkled mysteriously. "Capture the flag is tonight. I hear Athena is in alliance with Hermes. What's the strategy?"

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now