Chaos' Army

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Special thanks to my special friendly commenter, CSP2708. Because of you, I got this back on track. I luv you!! Thanks for the comment!


It has been three thousand Chaos years since I came here. Chaos made me immortal as soon as I arrived on his planet, of course, so I would be forever the commander of his army. 

The best part was getting everyone back. All of my old comrades that had fallen in battle, or died of natural causes, had been revived to fight for my Lord Chaos. I am not allowed to call him that. It annoys him. He prefers me to call him just Chaos. I annoy him by calling him Chaos: The Supreme Lord and Creator of the Universe. It annoys the Hades out of him.

Of course, I miss Earth a little. But I try to take my mind off that by reading. Oh, yeah, Chaos took away my dyslexia, along with the rest of the armys'. I thought it would be sweet, but then Chaos locked me in the library and told me he would only let me out when I had read a book for each member of the army. It was actually okay.

I read a bunch of different books, until I heard the magical 'click' of the lock. The I went to check on my army.

I saluted my second in command, Alpha.

I grinned. "Hi, Luke".

Luke grinned back. "Hi, Lord Omega".

I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey, we sound like those people off such-and-such movie. Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end."

We had chosen those names purposely.

He wanted a new beginning.

Choosing the name Alpha as his battle name symbolized that.

I chose Omega, representing the life I left behind, and how I chose it to end. Also it represents the fact that I am usually the last thing my enemies see in combat.

'The End'.


I wanted the name to be as anti-Perseus Jackson as it could be.

Along with getting Luke, we had a lot more comrades back alive again.

We had Bianca, whose code-name was Memory.

Silenea Beureguard was called Glamour.

Castor, child of Dionysus, was named Sugar. He hated the name, so we tried to only use it on missions.

There were also a few older heroes, such as the original Perseus and Jason. 

All in all, we had a pretty good crew. 

I spent the majority of my time reading or chatting with my comrades. 

It got sort of boring after awhile. 

Then... Chaos called the army to the recreational room. I's where we have our important discussions. I know, really serious.

But, hey, at camp, we had our most serious discussions around a ping-pong table. Perfect for ADHD demigods. 

Chaos stood at the top of the main table, our snack table. 

"I have news!" he announced. "You are needed on a planet you have not been on for three thousand Chaos years. They need your help. At..." he paused for a bit, as if considering his next words. "At camp half-blood."

Luke and I exchanged worried looks. We couldn't go back. 

Not now, not ever. Although after three thousand years, the campers wouldn't be there, Chiron would, and we had no idea as to how he would react. 

We didn't want to face our old life. 

Chaos had made our strength nearly unlimited, but our weak point lay where our old lives did. 

But if the old campers were gone... "Fine", Luke and I chorused. "We'll go."

Chaos sighed in relief. "Thank goodness", he said, "I thought that would be a lot more difficult to convince you two", he muttered. 

Which only made me suspicious. I was about to ask Chaos what he meant by that, when he waved his hand and we were whisked back to earth for the first time in three thousand Chaos years.

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