Apollo is a no-go

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Chelly's POV

Why are boys so stupid?
Can't they take freaking hints???
I'd been flirting with Jace all afternoon, and he still hadn't picked up on it!
He'd been ignoring my attempts to flirt with him, and instead he'd been laughing with Cathrine and Alexa and Robin.
It wasn't fair!!!

We hurried along towards the Apollo cabin, and I could see Alexa stealing glances at Percy, probably waiting for orders or whatever. 
Anyways, they are so close they would die for each other.
Like I'd die for Jace...
I sighed.
Life wasn't easy when your friend is close friends with your crush/ex.
Especially when the dam girl wasn't doing anything to get us back together!!!
Honestly, I might as well call our friendship off, if she can't even work something out to get us back together.
I should pretend a quest was issued for true love, and insist the prophecy spoke of me and Jace! And because quests involve 3 people, I supposed Robin could come along too. 

Jolting out of my daydreaming, I saw we'd reached the Apollo cabin, and Jace was getting ready to attack it with all sorts of gadgets that I think Leo had invented.
Jace whispered something to Alexa, she grinned, and then tossed a sphere onto the roof. It unfolded and there was a banner that read: Apollo kids are Lyres!!! 
"Seriously???" I muttered.
Jace looked at me. "Yeah, a play-on-words", he said, like it should be obvious. "You know, Lyres, liars? Get it? Cathrine suggested it". He shot her a grin, and she smiled back. I wanted to rip her head off.
This was war. 
"Of course Cathrine suggested it", I said with a fake smile. "Silly me. Of course it was Cathrine's idea. Whoop-de-doo, hooray for Cathrine", I spat, and walked off.
"What's her problem?" I heard Cathrine ask Robin and Alexa.
"She's jealous", came Alexa's consoling reply.
"Of what?" asked Cathrine, and I took pleasure in the daughter of Athena's confusion. 
"Don't worry", Alexa said.
Cathrine shrugged and walked into the cabin carrying an armload of supplies. 

We all painted the walls yellow, at which I rolled my eyes, and took out all the musical instruments and replaced the music books with horror novels. 
I was bored. 
I was never really a fan of pranks. Just a waste of time when I could be practicing Piano.
We all ended up running around throwing glitter all over the room and painting my siblings' faces to look like cows. 
I don't know why, Percy just suggested it and we all agreed. Whoop-de-doo.
We all ran out and met back up at the base or whatever it was called. I didn't really care. 
"Which cabin next?" I asked monotonously.
Alexa slapped my arm in a friendly way.
At least I assumed it was friendly. Who can tell with her?
"Hey, cheer up!" she smiled. "This is supposed to be fun". 
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever", I grumbled.
"*cough*killjoy*cough*" three guesses who that was.
No, seriously, you would need three guesses because it was Leo.
I slapped him on the arm.
Then I reconsidered.
Jace apparently didn't like me... maybe Leo would...
"Well, Leo", I said flirtatiously, batting my eyelashes, "which cabin do you think we should prank next?"
He just looked at me like I was freaking him out. 
Hey, I'm not ugly!!! I'm very pretty. 
I sighed. "Well, which cabin are we working on next? Hephaestus?"
Leo hook his head. "Nah. Dionysus".
There was a great deal of cheering.
I guess people didn't really like Mr D, I dunno. I never really paid attention to the meetings we had in the dining hall, so I wouldn't know what our camp director was like. 
"Yeah, sure", I said, agreeing with everyone.
"Why not Artemis cabin instead?" suggested Cathrine.
"I was just going to say that", agreed Jace.
I mentally face-palmed. 
No. She. Was. NOT. About. To. Steal. MY. Boy!!!
"Okay!" Alexa said, grinning, winking at Jace for some reason, which for some other reason he blushed and laughed.
Cathrine was oblivious to this, but sadly, I was not.
"So, Artemis it is", I sighed. "Any ideas?"

Hi, guys!!! I hope you enjoyed this chappie!!! I know it isn't very long but hopefully you guys can forgive me. How were your long weekends?
Sorry to my friend Chloe, who, if you have read the character profiles will all know is who Chelly is based on. I really can't help being a jerk to your character, I just find it kinda funny. Please don't be mad at me. 
So! Fave character (not a real Rick character)?
Least fave character? (Same rule applies)
What you amazing fans want to see next?
Order of cabins you want for pranking?
Any criticism (not from you, Sez)?
Anything else you want to say?

And also I am going on camp into Deep Cove next Saturday for 5 days so I won't be able to update then and there's always the possibility that I may not end up updating this week coz I will be super busy. I can't wait, it will be so much fun (though soooo much walking). 
I will try to update the Thursday I come back if I can, but if I can't, don't hate!!!

Love you all!!! 

Also go follow PunkRockDuckk and read her stories coz Godsdammit she is amazhang!!!

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