Real Beauty

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Chelly's POV

"Aphrodite's cabin now. Please!" Alexa begged.
Her date seemed only too happy to agree.
"Let's go!" he smirked.

We put rainbow hair dye in the shampoo and conditioner, glitter glue in the blusher, long-lasting ink in the eye-pencil, glitter glue in the mascara, and then basically let loose havoc in the cabin and threw glitter and glue and glitter glue and confetti all over the place.

Each camper got a very... interesting makeover (Drew looked like a raccoon!)
Leo fixed the shower so that it was full of lollies and Golden Syrup, making whoever next took a shower very sticky!

Each right shoe was taken, all the perfectly colour-coded outfits messed up, and make-up kits upturned everywhere

Leo grinned wickedly, twirling a screwdriver. "Of course", he smirked, "real beauty comes from within your heart, doesn't it? Go Hephaestus!" 
With that strange battle-like cry, he left the cabin with a triumphant smirk on his face...
Only to return a second later for his tool-belt, which he had taken off to work on the shower. 

Percy was grinning like a madman. "Zeus' cabin now!" he said, his eyes as bright as Leo's hands (which, for some reason, were on fire).

Laughing and cheering, we all skipped off to Cabin 1. 

Spray-painting slogans on the walls like: Team Poseidon! or It's raining Demigods!
There was a moment of silence when Omega - sorry, Percy - saw that Jason had hung up a poster saying: Team Percy Jackson! in blue lettering, and I think the son of Poseidon may have even cried a bit. 
Alexa put her arm around him, and gave a fond look towards Jason's sleeping form, which was kind of creepy to look at, considering it was frozen in time, so therefore not even moving. 

Percy wiped away a tear. Then he pulled out a permanent maker. He walked over to Jason and carefully wrote on his forehead: Percy was here!
Alexa let out a noise that sounded like a cross between a squeal, a groan, and a gasp. 
Jace laughed. "Nice dude", he said, "That's gonna freak out the other campers in the morning!"
"That's the plan, bro, that's the plan".

Hades cabin... dark, depressing, gloomy. 
Not for long!
Rainbows, unicorns, cotton candy, and PINK PINK PINK PINK PINK PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COVERING the room!
Percy wrote a message on the broken mirror: Mini Dean was her- the message sloped off. It was actually signed in Percy's blood. Creepy. But hey, Nico was creepy. 'Nuff said. 
I don't know if it was a joke, or what, but on Nico's duchess was a toy ladder propped against his reading lamp with a figurine standing underneath it.
Catherine let out a squeal. "Mythomagic!" she squeaked. 
Percy looked at her weird. "How did you know... it's... Nico's favourite..."
She blushed. "I loved that game..." 
Percy gave a sort of secret grin to Alexa, and Alexa tilted her head, apparently considering something. 
Maybe they were doing that annoying Mind-Messaging thing. I dunno. 
I walked around, looking at Nico's room. 
"Are we finished?" I asked.
Catherine shook her head. "No way! We haven't started on his wardrobe yet!" 
Robin face-palmed. 
Nevertheless, we took all of Nico's dark clothes out of his wardrobe and replaced them with blue, green, pink, yellow, orange, red, purple, white, and turquoise. 
His old clothes were stuffed into a bag and dragged up to Thalia's pine tree, where most of the other stuff we'd taken had been put. 

Percy nodded, triumphant. "Good job, team!" he said, holding his hand out for high-fives. 
We all cheered, grinning happily. 
Maybe pranking wasn't as bad as I'd thought...

Oh my gods I am so sorry for not updating!!!
*dodges rotten tomato*
*hides again*
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hope you enjoyed the update, I know I haven't updated for ages but hey my wifi was down and I was struggling to come up with anything to write and It's so hard writing in Chelly's POV and URG I'm so sorry!!!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm on like, 9.7K reads!!! Give yourselves a pat on the back and share this story with everyone you know!!!
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LUV U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also a shoutout to my friend Talia, it's her birthday tomorrow, happy Birthday Talia!!!!!!


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