Well That's Fantastic...

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Percy's POV

Okay, so maybe I messed up. 
Maybe I didn't deserve this cool new power.
Maybe I should just let Alexa be in charge. 
Or Arkham... no, people fear him more often than love him.
Alexa... can get people to really listen. 

Anyways, back to reality.

We dashed over the hill to find a massive stock of equipment. 
Spray paint, glue, streamers, electric gadgets that I would need Leo's help with, and so  so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much more stuff. 
I glanced over towards the massive clock in the middle of Camp. It was approximately 12:55.
Alexa pulled out a notebook, and a bright pink feather quill to write with.
"Okay", she said calmly (though I could tell she was  excited), "which cabin shall we get first?"
"Hermes", I said without thinking.
Jace looked offended. "What about my stuff????" he demanded. 
"Oh, right", I said. "Um, everyone who isn't in the army can go get their stuff from the cabins, and bring it back here. Bunks not included, of course."
Cathrine raised her hand as if she were in class. "Um, Percy?" she asked me. 
"Yeah?" I replied stiffly.
"Um... how do we get our stuff without getting caught?" she wondered. She raised her hand self-consciously to her face, and Jace put his hand on her arm to lower it. "Chill, Cathy", he murmured.
She went red. "Don't. Call. Me. Cathy", she growled. 
He just smirked. "Sure, Cathy". 
She facepalmed. 
I decided to answer her question. "Simple; I'll stop time for the whole pranking ceremony."
She looked relieved.
She brushed a strand of hair out of her face and I noticed it was marked. 
"What happened, Cathrine?" I asked gently.
"I walked into a door", she said. I was about to call her bluff when she said; "I was reading my book. I got distracted. Sorry".
It seemed highly likely. Athena kids could be seen reading everywhere. I don't know why she was apologizing though, but I decided to ponder that later. 
I looked out at the camp. 
"Put these on", I said, handing each person an invisibility cloak. When everyone, including myself, had one on, there was one left. 
"Where's Leo?" I asked. 
"Yahh!!!!" a voice screamed in the forest.
"Styx!" I muttered. "It's Leo!!!" 
"I'll go get him", Alexa said casually. "It's just the forest".
That was either a brave or dumb comment, I wasn't sure which.
She walked off into the forest, leaving me with the others.
"Right, guys, you cabined people need to go get your stuff and - hey?! Where's the other cloak gone?"
We could see each other while we were wearing the cloaks, but if we took them off, our comrades would disappear. 
I scanned the group. "Leo!" I gasped. He was here. 
"Yeah?" he asked. 
"You were - Alexa is - where did - what happened - how did - who was -"
"To answer your extremely intelligent question", he smirked, "I have been here all along. You just couldn't see me". 
"So who was in the forest?" I sputtered. "It sounded just like you!"
"Cyclops", muttered Cathrine. "We have to get her out of there". 
"No Styx, Sherlock", I said impatiently. "What are you waiting for, hurry up, we have all the time in the world!"
The clock struck 1 O'Clock. 
"FREEZE!" I shouted. 
And then, everything, everywhere, was still. 
Well, almost everything. My comrades and I were still moving. 
The feeling was kind of eerie. 
And through the eeriness, I heard a scream. 
"Alexa!" I gasped. 
I turned, towards the forest.
"Percy, wait!" 
I ran.

XD OMG I love you guys!!! 
What do ya think's gonna happen to Alexa??? Poor old Alexy. Don't judge, that's how her nickname is spelled. (XD @PunkRockDuckk comment if you get what I mean. But uh, don't spoil it please or I will change the future...)
So, tell me what you guys think! (Should I still have A/Ns at the start/end of the chapter? Does anyone actually read them? Please tell me) AND WHAT IN THE NAMES OF ZEUS, HERA, POSEIDON AND HADES DO YOU AMAZING TRUFFLES WANT TO BE CALLED????

Until next time

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now