Waking Up

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Percy's POV

I unfroze time. 
Well, we had nothing else to do.
It was getting kinda boring just waiting around for a reaction, so I invited everyone to the spare cabin, where the Chaos army was staying. 
I took Alexa by the hand as we walked through the doorway, and she caught my eye, giving me the feeling of a lightning strike (believe me, I know what that feels like). She smiled at me, and I returned it. 
Luke sat down on his bunk, and Leo joined him. 
"Don't set our cabin on fire," I warned Leo. "Ours isn't flame resistant, unlike yours..."
He seemed to take me seriously. 
"Truth or dare?" I suggested, seeing my friends' bored faces. 
Cathrine nodded, Jace nodded, Alexa nodded, basically everyone nodded. Except Leo, who shouted "Oh, yeah!!!!!!"
"Truth or dare Luke?" I asked, grinning. 
"Truth," he said warily. 
I smiled. "Is it true that you like-like Zoe?" I asked mischievously. 
He scowled at me. "Yes...", he replied reluctantly. 
I grinned triumphantly. 
"Truth or dare... Leo?" he asked. 
"Dare!!!" Leo cheered. 
"I dare you to ask out your crush," Luke said simply. 
Leo punched him. "Uh, no. To start with, she is kinda not at camp. Secondly, I can't, mainly because of him -" he looked at me. "And thirdly, I am terrified of rejection from her."
"Uh, first of all, unless you are crushing on owl-head, you can't be worried about me being mad or affecting your chances with... whoever your crush is. So, are you crushing on Annabeth?"
Leo shook his head wildly. "No way, dude. I like... her...". His eyes flashed with a sudden light, reminding me of a place, from long ago... Ogygia...
"Her, huh?" I asked softly. "That explains alot..." 
He nodded wordlessly. 
I turned to Luke. "Luke, you have to change the dare".
He frowned. "Why?" he asked suspiciously. "Does he like Alexa?"
I narrowed my eyes. "If he did, he would have alot to reconsider about now," I threatened. 
Alexa laughed, and I relaxed. 
"Fine. I dare you to set fire to Brok's hair tonight at dinner. If anyone comments, just insist that's how it always looks".
Leo grinned evilly. "Sweet!" he cheered. "Now that's a dare I don't mind..."
I nodded. "I expect the blue hair dye will have come out by then."
Everyone smiled at the memory of Brok's hair, a blue blob on his head. 
"Right", Leo announced. "Truth or dare... Cathrine?"
"Uh... um...", she stammered. "Truth?"
"List all the people you have a crush on," he said bluntly.
"Um... uh... that is... uh... well, you know the first one," she stammered.
Alexa shot to her feet. "So there is someone that you wouldn't tell us!" she exclaimed.
"Ugh!" Cathrine cried out, exasperated. "I like Nick Streams. Happy!?"
Alexa started jumping up and down, fangirling like crazy. "OMGs!!! Cathrick!!!! Cathrick!!! Cathrick!!!" 
Cathrine face-palmed. "You have to be kidding me. Yes, I like the crazy, smart, ginger from the Hermes cabin. Problem?!"
Alexa and Chelly and Robin started fangirling. "I knew it I knew it I knew it OMGs OMGs OMGs OMGs!!!!"
Then Alexa did a double-take. "Actually, he is my brother, and I'd rather you we just one of my besties than my sister-in-law." She grinned triumphantly.
Cathrine cringed again. "I live in a world full of insane people..." she muttered darkly, staring at the ground. 
Alexa hugged her. "Aww, you love us. Truly you do," she smiled. I loved Alexa's smile. It was great when she was happy. 
It made me happy too.

Suddenly there was a chorus of loud cries. 
The camp was waking up.

OMG OMG OMG I AM SOSOSOSOSOSOSO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!!!!!! I HAVE HAD A TECH BAN (don't ask) and i have like a minute to post this so comment and all that stuff so yeah hahah comment vote and stuff bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

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