What's the plan?

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Hello everyone!!! I am super excited!! I have like, 2.7K reads!!! And 100 Comments!! And 140 Votes!!! Or something like that. I am so happy! Keep commenting and stuff! I love you all!

*Annabeth's POV* 

"Any volunteers to accept the Poseidon Cabin?!" I yelled to the five teams. 
It was time for capture the flag, and so far it was The Hunters VS Athena, Hermes, Apollo, and Hades VS Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Zeus, Hephaestus, and Demeter VS the Minor God's cabins, VS the Chaos army. 

A five-way war. 
I'd voted 'For' it being the Campers VS the visitors, but I'd been outvoted. So now we were preparing for the first-ever five-way capture the flag. 

Poseidon cabin, having only Brok at the moment, had nobody wanting to accept them to their team. 
Nico sighed. "Annabeth, we should take him. For Percy's - old times - sakes. Put him on defence, near the creek." This was all just spoken to the Athena Cabin.
I growled. I actually growled. 
"That was... Percy's... first position for Capture the flag". 
He grinned a bit. "That's the point. One of the Chaos Army people knows alot about Percy, I think... and he would probably go straight there. Just trust me."

"Since when do you fraternize with the enemy?" I snarled.
"Since yesterday", was his cheerful reply.
Wait. Cheerful.
Nico had been a wreck when Percy died. That could only mean... one of the Chaos Army members knew something about Percy. Something they had told Nico. And since Nico was happy, not miserable, Percy must be alive... Oh My Gods...

This was an enigma I intended to solve...

*Percy's POV*

"Chaos Army! First division, defence! Second division, offence!!! Except for Alexa and Arkham!!! They are with me! We are going to get one flag each. Memory, you will get the other flag. Our four decoys are... Nessie from the 2nd division, Beckendorf from 2nd, Glamour from 1st, and Sugar from 1st! Do you understand?! The older heroes, stick near the creek. The ones who know the woods extra well, defend and attack at the stronger and weaker points respectively! I will go after the biggest team, Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Hades, their flag. Any questions?!"

"What about me?" cried Luke, a bit outraged. 

I paused. I'd forgotten about him. "You and Zoe guard the flag", I decided. I was pretty sure he would like that. I was certain he had a thing for Zoe, but I wasn't 100% sure.
In any case, he seemed fine with this. 
"Okay", was his reply. 

"Where do we hide the flag?" called another voice, Alexa's.
Hmmm... that was the problem. 
"Do you think you can take on Hephaestus cabin?" I asked Luke and Zoe.
Zoe snorted. "Of course. Do thy take thee for a fool? We can guard."
"Leo has fire powers", I reminded her. 
She bit her lip, a habit she had developed during an raid on the moon of Synariana. (Don't ask)
"We will manage", she decided. 
I nodded. "Take it to the crater near the.. giant ant thingies. But don't disturb the colony. Please. And try not to let anyone else disturb the colony."
Zoe nodded. "Yes, Lord Omega."

I smiled. "Good. Now, Memory, you will go after the Hunter's flag. It won't be anywhere high, I know that much. Maybe... near Zeus' fist. yeah, try there. Thalia will either thing it's smart, or she's dumb enough to put it there. Arkham, can you take Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Zeus, Hephaestus, and Demeter? Theirs will be in a really bright area, with lots of colour to hide their flag, and it will probably be somewhere up high. Very high - Jason might fly it there." I paused. 

"Alexa, You tackle the minor cabins. Be especially wary of Hecate's cabin. Hazel taught them some stuff, I've heard. Okay? Right, let's go!!!"

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