Nico meets Aunty Em

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*Nico's POV*

"Cathrine, we have to get back to camp. Take my hand, we're going to shadow-travel."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "Doesn't it drain your energy?" 

I remember my exaggeration and mentally cursed. "Uh, with familiar place, it takes less effort," I lied. 

She took my hand and I smiled. "Let's go." 

We disappeared through the shadows, and soon we were back at camp. 

I turned just in time to see Rachel hit Kronos in the head with a hairbrush. He disintegrated on impact. 
There were cheers all across the camp. 

I ran over to Percy, who was hugging Rachel. They had just finished talking about something important, I could tell, Percy had that distant look in his eyes. 

I coughed. "Uh, nice to see you guys being all emotional and stuff, but there's a new wave of monsters coming over the hill. Just thought you should know Percy turned and his eyes widened. "Everyone look away!" he screamed with such urgency everyone obeyed instantly. "Annabeth, Grover, distract her. Aunty Em is back! Hephaestus cabin, get Polished shields to me, the seven, Grover and Nico!" 
He pulled Riptide out his pocket and turned to me, while everyone scrambled to obey. "Ever met a Gorgon before?" 

My eyes widened. "You mean...?" 

He nodded. "Get ready to meet Aunty Em." 


Aunty Em was nothing like an Aunt should be. She was hideous, something I already knew, but when I got my polished shield to see her with I saw just how ugly she was. She looked - you know what, I'm not even gonna describe her. For all I know, you're eating Lunch now, so I'll spare you the details. 

We charged into battle, but nobody could get close except Percy, who slashed and hacked and tried to kill her. He took one last stab at her, when she knocked him onto his back, almost certainly knocking the breath out of him. 

She advanced closer towards him, and I was begging for him to get up. "Look at me, Perssseusss Jackssson," she hissed. "I ssshould have killed you the firssst time, but no matter. Now you ssshall ssssuffer sssatisssfyingly..." 

I shook myself out of my daze and threw my sword at her. It bounced harmlessly off the side of her head, but it distracted her, at least. She turned to me, and I forced myself to keep my eyes on her using the shield only. If I looked her in the eyes, I was toast. Well, actually, stone. 

"Nico Di Angelo," she purred, smirking. "You really are your mother's son." 

I froze. And no, I'm pretty sure I wasn't a statue yet. "Go die in Tartarus!" I yelled. 

She laughed. "Oh, been there, done that, demigod. Now it's your turn to be cast into the fiery hell of Tartarus!" 

"It's not all that fiery," I protested. "And as you said, been there, done that." 

She took a step back. "No mortal has ever survived Tartarus!" she howled. 

"Oh really," I said. "There's three of us here who actually have." 

She glared at me. "Die, demigod scum!" 

That's when Thalia showed up.


It was perfect. It was ironic. It was so Thalia's style.

She charged into battle wielding Aegis, her model of her dad's shield. The ironic part? Aegis basically has Medusa's face carved into it, which is why nobody likes facing Thalia in battle. Most sane people when they see her shield go running home crying. 

She charged right up to Medusa, about a meter away from the vile creature, and ran her though with her spear. Which, as we saw from impact, was electric. Medusa - head and all this time - disintegrated into dust. Thalia ran to hug Annabeth, then turned to Percy and I with a smirk. "Anytime you're getting your butts whipped, just call your favorite cousin." 

I gave her a relived hug, which she returned after she got over the initial shock. I'm not really a huggy person. "It's good to see you again, Pinecone Face," Percy smiled. 

"You too, Kelp Head," she replied. 

I looked back at the crowd, who had finished fighting their monsters, and were now looking expectantly at us. I was looking for Cathrine, when I saw her over with Eli. They were talking, and finally when they finished their conversation, Cathrine gave him a hug. 

My blood boiled, though I have no idea why. I casually strolled over to them. "How are you guys going?" I asked, trying to sound calm. "Uh, she just broke up with me," Eli said, looking like he'd lost all his money gambling. I've seen the face a lot in the UnderWorld. 

"Really?" I asked, unable to keep the grin off my face. "What happened with you two? I thought you were a great couple." 

Cathrine looked away from me. "There's someone else," she sighed. "Someone who's a total idiot and doesn't know how much I like them."

I frowned. Who was this guy? I was going to smash him. How did he get her to like him? "Who is he?"  I asked. 

She just shook her head. "I'll talk to you guys at the Campfire later. Cya." She walked off. 

Eli looked suspiciously at me. "Dude, do you like her?" 

"What's it to you?" I challenged. 

"She's been hanging around you a lot lately, and if it's you that made her fall out of love with me, then you just cost me a bet," he spat, glaring at me. 

"A bet?" I demanded. I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him to the wall. "What bet?" 

"A bet to see if I could get her to date me for a year," he sneered. "And whoever she's fallen for, has cost me 50 Drachmas. I don't even have that kind of cash! I'm gonna be ruined! And I'm pretty sure it's your fault." He spat in my face. I punched him. 

"You're telling me that you played her all this time for a freaking bet?" I snarled. 

"Of course!" he snarled. "I needed the money, okay?" 

"Who's bet was it?" I asked. "Who do you owe money to?" 

"Someone a hell of a lot more powerful than you," he said. "So if you can't get me and her back together by Campfire, you're dead." 

"You're too weak to fight me," I said, punching him in the gut. 

"Oh really?" he said. He grabbed a knife from his picket and with lightning speed had it pressed at my throat. 

"You're too much of a coward. You would never really kill me," I said. 

"Wanna bet?" he challenged, the blade digging deeper. 

I quickly shadow traveled a couple of meters away, and drew my own sword. "Back off from my girl," I spat, and walked off. 

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