21 | "i am unicorn"

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Despite all the awful that came out of Nationals in New York, there were a few bright spots that gave the New Directions hope for Nationals this year. Specifically, Vocal Adrenaline came in second after what felt like a century. Their coach was promptly fired, and Carmel High had yet to find another director. This meant, as Tina correctly pointed out, that Vocal Adrenaline would be truly vulnerable for the first time in years.

Unfortunately, this meant that the group was going to have to put in more work than ever. Mr. Shue had instituted a mandatory dance Booty Camp for the group, but it wasn't for everyone in the club, despite Keilani thinking that everyone besides Brittany and Mike needed help on their dance moves. It was only for the weakest dancers, so Finn, Puck, Kurt, and–"

"I must protest!" Kurt interrupted.

"You can't have one move, Kurt. It's like this...sashay," Mike said as he imitated Kurt's signature move. "It's super distracting."

Kurt frowned, and Mr. Shue continued on with his list of people. "Mercedes! You're coming in too."

"Oh, hell to the no!" Mercedes exclaimed upon learning she would be required to attend Booty Camp as well. "Are you kidding me, Mr. Shue?"

"You once told me you were Beyoncé. You don't think she spends extra time at the dance studio?" Mr. Shue pointed out, eventually earning a reluctant nod of agreement from Mercedes. "Mike Chang has offered to be my assistant, and we start tomorrow."

Puck raised his hand and before he could ask, Mr. Shue answered, "Yes, Puckerman, it's mandatory."

Keilani could tell that Mercedes was still annoyed about Booty Camp, so while everyone else was focused on who would direct the musical, Keilani made a split-second decision. Whispering to not bring any attention to the pair, Keilani said, "I'll come to Booty Camp with you."

Turning to her with a surprised look on her face, Mercedes asked, "Why? You're a good dancer. You don't need Booty Camp."

"I'm an alright dancer. I could be much better," Keilani answered with a shrug. "Plus, I don't want to leave you alone with all the guys. Seems a bit unfair to you. Plus Kurt has Blaine, who just said he wanted to come in and join to catch up. Why shouldn't you have me?"

Mercedes let out a sigh of relief, thankful that Keilani had decided to join her. "You're an angel."

Keilani shook her head before pulling Mercedes into a tight hug. "I'm just trying to be a good best friend, and best friends don't leave each other alone to suffer through dance camps."

After Mr. Shue announced that he wouldn't be directing West Side Story, instead deferring the job to Artie, Ms. Pillsbury, and Coach Beiste, the bell rang and signaled the end of the period. As the students filed out of the classroom, Mercedes hooked her arm with Keilani's and the two began to walk to their next class.

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