i | "june 23rd, 2022"

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Keilani had always been a nervous individual.

Even when she was little, she was cautious with her words and her actions in nearly aspect of her life. It was rare she did something spontaneously or didn't think before acting. Keilani even remembered that when she was little, the feelings became so overwhelming when she had to make sudden decisions to the point where she would burst into tears. Even though she had gotten it mostly under control the older she had gotten, there were times where it would spike, and she felt like she was reverting back to her younger self all over again.

On June 23rd, 2022, Keilani's anxiety was spiraling out of control. In less than two hours, her and Sam Evans were getting married. She wasn't nervous Sam would do something wrong, or there would be some minuscule imperfection in the wedding decorations. Of course, there was the ever-present little voice in Keilani's head that would whisper how Sam was going to wake up one day and realize that the past 10 years with her would be one big mistake, and it wasn't worth it to stay with her any longer. But, that voice was quiet for most of the time and only spoke up in her worst moments.

Instead, Keilani was absolutely terrified that she would do something wrong and mess up the day entirely. She didn't know what it could be – tripping up the aisle, messing up her vows, falling during the first dance, having an unexpected pollen allergy that had never made an appearance once before but would suddenly cause her to sneeze uncontrollably. The possibilities were endless.

As they were getting ready, Keilani and Sam's moms, along with the rest of her bridesmaids, were attempting to stop Keilani from passing out before she could walk up the aisle. "What can we get for you?" Mercedes asked as she stopped Keilani from pacing around the room and forced . "I think we've tried everything besides weed or outright knocking her out."

"What about champagne?" Naia suggested. "I stole a bottle on my way up here today."

"No champagne. Keilani told me to put her on a strict champagne ban," Marnie told the group as Mahina began chastising her youngest daughter. "Even if she asked for it."

"I don't want any alcohol in my system for the ceremony, and I don't want to drink too much in the reception," Keilani explained. "I want to be able to remember everything from today. If I don't black out from nervousness, at least."

"You won't black out, you'll be fine," Stacey reassured, her long golden curls swinging over her shoulders as she ran over from the other side of the room to Keilani. "If anything, Sam's probably going to black out. Or faint. So, honestly, you're in this together. You guys are way too in love to back out of this now."

Sometimes, it shocked both Keilani and Sam every time they looked at Stacey and Stevie. Neither  could hardly believe his baby twin siblings had grown up right in front of their eyes. At 17, both Stacey and Stevie had clearly gotten the same kind hearts and sweet smiles as their older brother and parents.

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