19 | "new york"

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Very quickly, Keilani decided that New York City was not the place for her.

To some, the constant movement and chaos would invigorate them and make them feel more alive. And to an extent, Keilani understood that. There was this certain feeling of intensity in the air that was unmatched by another place Keilani had visited in her life.

But at the same time, it was incredibly overwhelming to her. Keilani could never imagine living in the bustling city. Sure, it was exciting to visit for a couple days and explore such a small part of the big city. However, Keilani didn't think she could handle staying more than a week. It was massive and loud, and Keilani had always preferred quiet and stability ever since she was little. She knew she couldn't handle the city whatsoever.

Nonetheless, Keilani was having a blast in New York City. She loved pointing out signs for Broadways shows with Kurt and trying all the street food she could with Mike and Tina. Exploring Central Park was probably Keilani's favorite part. Despite them only going around a small amount of the park, it felt like a small pocket of peace in the midst of the crazy city.

The New Directions had snuck out earlier from their hotel rooms, several claiming that they couldn't write songs while cooped up together in her room. Keilani had to agree. While she began to write a song on the flight over that had the potential to work for Nationals, Keilani had been stuck after the first verse and couldn't seem to figure out how to continue with the song.

Plus, while she thought Brittany's song was a lot of fun, 'My Cup' didn't seem like a song that would help the New Directions win Nationals.

Mercedes looped her arm with hers and used her free arm to point through the trees and at the stream of taxis on the street. "Which one of those do you think is the Cash Cab?"

"I'm pretty sure Cash Cab is a myth."

"It's a reality TV show!"

"It could be a soundstage!"

Mercedes seemed ready to fight Keilani on this subject matter even more, but she found herself distracted by Quinn, who was excitedly pointing out the beautiful sculptures in Central Park, and unhooked her arm from Keilani's. Before Keilani could seek out someone else to hang out with, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder, and she initially thought it was Puck so she was ready to start yelling at him. However, when she looked up to see Sam smiling down at her, Keilani relaxed and even rested her head on his shoulder.

"What were you two debating about?" Sam questioned.

"Whether the Cash Cab show is real or not," Keilani answered. "Which it obviously isn't."

Sam nodded as if he agreed with Keilani's statement, but when she heard him let out a small snort of laughter, Keilani mockingly gasped as if she was outraged. "Are you seriously doubting me?"

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