61 | "love, love, love"

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Spring break had come and left, leaving only just a few short weeks until not just Nationals, but Keilani's final days at McKinley. While Sam had been back with his family in Kentucky, Keilani had spent her time confirming her Yale acceptance and starting the process of getting ready to move that August. While she wouldn't be going to the campus for another month, she had been searching up photos and YouTube videos of the campus, trying to imagine what her life would be like in just a few short months.

Of course, the thought of leaving everything she had known behind was absolutely terrifying to her.

Keilani stood at her locker, sorting through her stacks of papers and old worksheets that she hadn't thought to organize before she had left for spring break. She was so distracted by this and all her thoughts about the impending future that she didn't notice Sam walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. "I missed you over spring break, Lani," he said happily, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

Keilani distractedly kissed his cheek, saying, "I missed you too, Sam." But then, she turned back to her locker once more, earning a confused look from Sam.

"You alright? You're here, but you're not really here." Sam poked her on the cheek. "What's going on in that brain of yours?"

"I'm just being stupid about senior year coming to an end," Keilani said distractedly as she searched through her locker for a math worksheet she had put in before the break that had seemingly gone missing. "You know, just me freaking about the future, like usual. This isn't anything new."

Keilani finally broke her focus away from searching to look up at Sam, who had a huge grin on his face and seemingly not a single care in the world. "How are you so nonchalant about all of this? I thought you'd be freaking out about senior year as much as I am."

"I don't think it's fully set in for me yet," He shrugged. "I know everything's coming to an end, but it doesn't entirely feel like it is, if that makes sense. Plus, if I freak out, then I can't really enjoy it as much."

"I kind of understand now why all our friends were acting so crazy last year," Keilani said with a small laugh. "I feel like I'm losing my mind right now."

"I know you're going crazy, but these next few weeks aren't going to fun if you spend all of it panicking about what's going to happen after we across that stage on graduation day." Sam then grabbed Keilani by the shoulders and spun her around so she was facing him, the motion making her grin. "We're making the most of our last few weeks of high school, alright? I'm not letting any moment to waste with you."

No one except for Sam knew what Blaine was going to announce to the New Directions that afternoon in choir rehearsal. Right before, Blaine had pulled Mr. Shue to the side, asking if he could make an announcement but refusing to tell him exactly what it was.

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