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Keilani had been pulled into a seat in between Brittany and Santana, with the latter ranting about this horrible girl that she was working with on an English project and telling these horror stories that somehow managed to make Keilani bust a gut with laughter. Brittany, on the other hand, had quietly rest her shoulder into Keilani's a little while ago and Keilani was almost convinced that Brittany actually just fell asleep on her.

Sam Evans, on the other hand, was waiting outside the choir room there for his entrance cue from Mr. Shue. After his football injury, Sam had come to the realization that football wasn't always going to be there for him and he wanted to do something else he was actually interested in. He peered in and Keilani immediately caught his eye, laughing louder than he had ever seen and chatting excitedly to Santana. Grinning, he figured that this was probably the right decision.

As the club members sat there, wondering why it was taking so long for rehearsal to start, Mr. Shue walked in and quickly answered all their unasked questions. "Bad news guys. I just got back from a meeting with Principal Figgins and Puckerman's in juvie."

"What happened?" Keilani questioned seriously, quickly becoming concerned for Puck. "Is he alright?"

"It was only a matter of time," Tina cut in, completely ignoring Keilani's question.

Quinn, who also seemed somewhat concerned, repeated Keilani's sentiments. "What he did he do?"

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Keilani fought back the urge to groan out of exasperation because that was honestly the most Puck thing she had ever heard. Around her, the group burst into laughter for a similar reason. Admittedly, it was a little funny but Keilani was worried more so about Puck and his safety. And little bit his mental state.

"When is he getting out?"

Mr. Shue shrugged at Rachel's question. "Unknown."

This time, the choir room began to fill with groans and complaints. Brittany had finally woken up and was giggling a little bit at the chaos surrounding her. "He may be the dumbest person on the planet, and that's coming from me.

"Guys!" Mr. Shue exclaimed, beginning to frustrated with what was happening in the rehearsal. "Let's have some sympathy."

"For a guy who put his needs before the team's?" Finn cut in angrily, earning a few nods from people like Tina and Kurt. "We need his voice and his bad-boy stage presence."

Mr. Shue shook his head. "We can't look at this as a crisis. It's an opportunity."

"For what?" Quinn asked. "Further embarrassment and humiliation?"

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