2 | "britney/brittany"

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Christopher Cross was the Glee Club's official lesson this week, but everyone wanted to do any artist but that. Most of the members hadn't even heard of him before, but Mr. Shue was of course insistent on doing this artist despite all the protesting.

Keilani, on the other hand, had been running a Facebook page with Tina and Kurt petitioning about performing Britney Spears, especially for the upcoming pep assembly. Britney was one of the few artists that Keilani would blast on the few occasions when she wanted to feel powerful. She normally would dance around her room to it on a good day, but after her brother and sister walked in on her one day in the middle of a dance session, Keilani had taken to dancing when her family wasn't home.

"Alright, who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?"

Beside Keilani, who was lightly beating her forehead on Tina's shoulder out of exasperation, Brittany raised her hand confidently. "He discovered America."

Finn nodded in agreement, and Mr. Shue gave the club a confused look before continuing on with his spiel. Keilani leaned to talk forward to talk to Brittany, quietly whispering about how she was probably thinking of Christopher Columbus who had claimed he had discovered America. Brittany solemnly nodded and squeezed Keilani's hand, the pair of them turning back to Mr. Shue so they could at least pretend to listen to what he was saying.

While Mr. Shue's lessons seemed to be somewhat relevant and fun for the Glee Club members to participate in most of the time, most of them thought that this was anything but. Keilani even felt herself begin to fall asleep on Tina as Mr. Shue passed out sheet music for what was supposedly one of Christopher Cross's most famous songs yet she had never even heard her parents play it.

"Mr. Shue, if I may?" Kurt piped in, causing Keilani to snap back awake in excitement. "I think I speak for all of us when I say it's not that we don't love the idea of spending a week on this silky smooth Adult Contemporary. It's just that, as teens, this isn't the easiest music for us to relate to. However, there is a burgeoning Facebook campaign that has swelled to over five members. The ardent demand? This week at the fall homecoming assembly the McKinley High School Glee Club performs a number by...wait for it...Ms. Britney Spears."

The whole room seemed to light up with excitement at the thought of even having the chance to perform Britney who was such an inspiration to so many of them. Keilani even let out a little giggle of excitement, bouncing up and down in her seat. There were only two people in the room who weren't on board with this idea: one of which almost everyone expected and the other coming completely out of the blue.

"I don't want to do Britney."

"Why not Britney, Brittany?" Kurt asked, just as confused as the rest of the room

"Because my name is also Brittany Spears."

The whole room simultaneously turned to look at Brittany with their mouths dropped, silent as they tried to process what she just said. "What the hell is she talking about?" Mercedes questioned, saying what was on everyone's minds.

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