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"Rea dear?" The sweet voice of Andies rings through the upstairs. You see there were two ways to get to the upstairs and two portions of it as well. The main way led to the guests room and library etc. The second way led to the girls rooms and bathroom. They also had a small common room like a lounge between each room.

Their whole house was very old fasioned. Built in the 1800's and remained that way with original hard wood floors and old couches. The original bed spreads and curtains hung. Fireplaces strewn about and grand spiralling staircases.

Dorea's room was the smallest out of the four. It had a small twin bed and a vanity. It had a tall oval mirror that leaned against the wall beside the large window. It had a closet and a desk. The desk was full with various things she had found and collected over the years including a small vintage blue car. It was a toy car but quality metal. It was a 1936 88. 100  Jaguar she treasured it on the mear fact her mother had gifted it to her.

She rarely got gifts from her mother but the day her mother handed it to her she treasured it forever on. Her mother had bought it in a vintage shop just for her because she took poleroids of old cars she saw around town. She kept each photo in a disguised box. The box looked like a book, a map as a cover. Beautiful leather covering the inside of the wood box. When you open the cover there is the beautiful photos she held with such care.

She didn't know what it was about those old cars but they always were so beautiful to her. And the fact her mother had even noticed made her smile.

"yeah..?" She replied noticing she had taken a moment.

"Oh Dorea dear" Andie appeared through the door and glanced at the young girl, her braids falling off her shoulders as they always did. The girl was sat on her small bed the sunlight hitting her hair beautifully.

Andie sat on the small stool that was connected to the vanity and smiled smally at her sister. The two had always been mildly close despite the large age gap. She had always admired Dorea for remaining optimistic through this hell hole of a family.

Andie always knew there was something different about her, not a bad thing but unique. She was different then her older sisters. She would fall down stairs and just giggle because she had done it so many times. She wouldn't beet herself up she would just laugh at herself.

She would hang upside down from tree's and break vases. When she broke said vases she would just brush it into a bag and hand the bag to Dollie. Dollie was one of their house elves. One of many that Rea had kindly be-friended.

Bella was a sarcastic know it all who always lied and smirked when others felt pain. But Bellatrix Lestrange would never admit that  maybe she had a soft spot for the young ray of sunshine. Dorea had always looked up to her, Bellatrix being the oldest.

But she was 10 when small Rea was born, almost going to Hogwarts so they never got very close. Bella however still thought about dear Dorea when she passed by old cars with the stuck out head lights. Memories would flood into the malicious girls mind of when her youngest sister would squeal in excitement whenever se saw one and would run up to them to take a photo.

Dorea kept each photo safe in an unknown location that none of the rest of the sister knew.

Andie's smile faded when her thoughts roamed back to the news she was about to share to the young girl.

"Dear sweet Rea,  I'm gonna have to go away soon, far away and know that it isn't your fault. I don't know when I'll see you again bear. I just don't so please do me a favor."  Rea nodded sadly but her eyes were wide.

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