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Dear Miss Black,

Hello Dorea, you seem to have gotten distracted from the goal. You've ruined everything, now Regulus has no one to marry. You two were going to be the couple of the century. We have people prepared to pick you up off the train. You can't get away that easy Dorea. You are a Black, your blood is special. You've betrayed us once before don't make us count a second time. If you come home with no struggle no consequence will take place. But if there is difficulty we can play the hard way. You will marry my boy, and you will bare his children. Stop being so selfish Dorea. We can play the easy way or the hard way, your choice.


Walburga Black

It was short but long enough for Dorea to get the point. The world spun on that hot late spring day. The sun seemed to corner her in its raise. It seemed to cast her in a bright light that was anything but warm. Dorea felt as if she had a spot light on her. Like everyone was searching for her.

She thought once she was out that was it. She thought she was done with that family. She thought they were done with her.

She was so happy, why'd it have to change? Why'd they have to come and ruin everything again? It isn't fair.

But nothing is ever fair is it?

Dorea thought of when she ran full force into the highway knowing well that that was it but still she's alive today. She tried to kill herself. She tried to make everything go black because she flet worthless, she felt empty and broken and ruined. She had too many thoughts in her head and sometimes to little. There was never a happy even. She thought that the sun would never shine again and hat her eyes would never open again. She thought she's never breathe air again.

But Dorea lived and she sprinted down the tightrope. She ran with no cowardess. She ran to where Sirius was and tackled him in a hug. But here the Blacks were coming to tear her to the ground.

She'd tried to kill herself, she'd jumped off the tightrope only to be pulled back on to the dreaded string.

What was wrong with her? 

Nobody could tell her what was going to happen. Nobody could tell her everything will be okay. She slid her back down the wall of the owlery and wrapped her arm slightly around her legs. As the thoughts shot around in her head she began to shake her eyes glued to the letter she'd dropped. Her breathing ragedy her heart unsteady.

What was the right answer here?

She liked easy questions with simple answers, this was not one.

If she returned with her hands up then she'd just sell her soul back to that tragic family. She'd never get out. If she struggled and they still got her she'd go through torture worse than the cruciatus curse. If she struggled and got away she'd get to smell the sweet smell of freedom again.

Dorea didn't feel free like she had 10 minutes ago. She felt like her hands were tied. She listened as owls came and went.

She was glad when no one came to rescue her, to tell her everything was going to be okay and that they'd figure it out because she'd know it was a lie. She was happy when none of the mauraders came looking for her because they'd waste their time on her insignificant issues,

She was a hamster in a ball, wandering aimlessly to find and escape. there was none. You can't escape this family, they were in your blood, in your heart in your soul. They were everywhere watching every step you make. watching you play the worlds longest and most intense game of chess.

This was no longer checkers.

She stood up grabbed the letter in both fists walked to the railing and tore it to pieces, no large chunks left. The only one she kept, the only bit that was saved was the 'Dear Miss Black'. She wripped out her wand and set it to flames. She through it over the edge and made it explode into small fireworks.

She wiped her face and took a deep breath.

It's over

she told herself

They can't hurt you here.

then she walked down the owlery steps as if nothing had happened. Little did she know one pair of eyes were glued to her, not tearing apart; only to blink. She saw James and Sirius laughing at a fountain. They looked over and saw her, her hand still clenched tightly around her wand but her face was clam. the only remenence of the letter that was left was a rather large piece of writing that had flown onto the top of her head when she'd torn the bit apart.

"hey you were at the owlery" Sirius pointed out

"yep. no mail." she said but it came out tensly and rushed. She sped up her steps unaware of the large piece of letter that flew off her head at the sudden speed.

Luckily neither Sirius nor james spotted it as it sat on the ground. But one observative Slytherin saw, and knew she shouldn't have been watching Dorea. She had watched her tear up[ and heat it to smitherines in the owlery. She'd watched the letter bit fly off her head and she'd walked at a casual fast walk towards the two boys and the letter.

When the fountain was aproaching the two boys caught sight of her.

"hey Slytherin what are you doing" they asked rudely

"just picking up the scrap your little friend littered" she said just as rudely but in truth she was very curious to see what had been written that made the seemingly docile hufflepuff react that way.

To her surprise it was still intact. She rushed into the castle to read it.

when she'd found a quiet place in the hall Seph sat down on a bench and folded open to piece of letter.

We can play the easy way or the hard way, your choice.


Walburga Black


Happy 4th guys!

I hope you all get to see some fireworks if you're in America because nothing says America like blowing  shit up

have a nice day/night


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