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Two days passed as Dorea laid unconciously in her bedroom.

The sun rose and fell twice before she woke up.

Bella refused to even look at her door. Keeping the room along with the entire house charmed and locked up. Druella had been insistent on keeping Dorea at her house. At the family home. Bella stayed there though, because despite all the things Dorea would say she still loved her in some strange way. Despite all the pain she'd inflict on dorea, she still loved her. In some gruesome, twisted way.

Dorea woke up half passed midnight.

She sat up despite the throbbing in her head and looked blankly on the room. It was painted still painted white, the only room in the house painted lightly. The old oak wood vanity with the folded mirror still sat a little waise from her bed, pushed up against the wall. Dorea swung her feet to the side of the bed. The old radio she hid from her parents most likely sat at the bottom of her dresser along with all the stupid dresses she used to wear. The desk she'd write endless letters on to Andie right after she left. Dorea never addressed them. In fact she never sent them. They sat in the old book box.

The old box.

Dorea walked to the bottom droor on her vanity, pulling it open and finding the familiar book. She opened the cover and there sat, untouched were all her photo's. Photo's she'd piled from before hogwarts. Before everything happened.

She lived in a bubble almost. It wasn't perfect before, but she only remembered the good bits. Like walking with her sisters down the old dirt path when she was little, they'd run to the town outside their house and bribe the muggles into getting them icecream.

She remembered the balls and sitting in the attic by the banisters with Regulus and laughing the time away as the distant waltz music played below them. She remembered being so excited when a muggle gave her a ride in his open topped chevy. She remembered when the days breezed by. When the world felt still and perfect.

She missed that. Before she went to hogwarts she wasn't 'happy' she was under the allure of happiness. She was imagining the world to be good and bright and big and so she made it that. She thought everything was funny and silly. She'd ride brooms through the old halls when her parents were away on buisness and dance with the house elves. She'd have fun.

Dorea whistled out the window and soon enough the family owl came hurrying in. She wrapped each letter she'd ever written Andie while she was gone in a parcel and then wrote a new one.

I suppose nothing lasts forever.

I suppose the world isn't light and good and beautiful.

The dark seems to be more comforting at night than the beating sunlight does don't you think?

The stars hang low in the sky tonight, I wonder if the man in the moon could catch one.

Send my dearest thanks to the Potters for their hospitality.

But I've lost the battle, and they've won the war.

I hate to say i've given up, but they've stolen everything from me.

I have nothing. I no longer have Mr. Rogers ice cream or Darling, I no longer have the house elves or brooms. I'm all alone.

I was warned once, I didn't listen. that's just how time works i guess. I wonder if I'll ever get the pleasure of writing to you again. If I don't, you my dear are the most amazing sister I could be blessed with. Send my love to Ted and Dora. I so wished I could have met her. Make sure her hands never meet this soil. Make sure she is loved and her life is filled with light. I hope you tell her about me one day. And whenever you do give her this. I don't think it would remain in my possesion much longer if it remains here. Andie i love you. No matter what happens.

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