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TW: Blood and abuse

Dorea Belvina Black lie on the floor of her own home. Dorea Belvina Black lie on her back laying in a pool of her own blood. She lay in a pool of her own blood due to her own blood. Her own sister did this.

Her own sister Bellatrix did this. Dorea Belvina Black a girl known for her happiness and optimism did not smile. She did not think positivley. She truly thought this was where she would die. All the house elves were instructed not to help. Her sisters were upstairs, her Cissy had no clue what Bella had done.

In the eyes of Dorea no one loved her. If Bella could do this to her who else would? Dorea looked up to Bella her entire life. Her hero just tortured her, not on accident. Bellatrix Druella Black smiled as the screams of her youngest sister rung in her ears. Bellatrix Druella Black liked having that power over her youngest sister. Bellatrix sat upstairs on Narcissa's bed right now knowing how ,much blood was pouring out of Dorea and didn't bat an eye.

In Bellatrix's view Dorea had just disgraced the family, a very well respected family. In her eyes Dorea was no longer the happy silly girl she used to be she was a traitor. A blood traitor.

Dorea Belvina Black had always been loyal to her family, she had always loved them even if they didn't love her. Dorea had always thought good of them but that had changed. In a normal family Dorea would have never had to witness the green spell cast from her own sisters wand fly towards her. In a normal family her parents wouldn't threaten to kill her or disown her every second.

But in this family if Dorea so much as stepped on the wrong floor board she was at risk. At risk of being screamed to death. Dorea didn't know what to think, but she had two options, two clear paths that stood in front of her in the fuzziness of her brain.

She could give into her family, she could quit quiditch, respect every tradition they had. Let them take their toll. She could let them marry her off, and live with a man she doesn't know. She could let them win, she could keep hiding her feelings and stay hidden, closed off.


She could stand up, wipe the blood off her lips and fight. She had stood there for eleven years. Stood there and watched as they screamed at her, beat her, killed her slowly. She was over it. She was over being the 'victim' she wanted to be known as the 'fighter'. She saw it in Sirius' eyes every time she walked by him, he pittied her. She wanted to be known as the one who fought back. The one who fought and made it out the other side. She was sick of standing there and watching all those kids giggle and laugh, she could stop letting them control her.

She tried to move but her arms wouldn't move. She raised her knee and pushed herself up.

Wolves-3 Bear-1

She took a shaky breath

Dorea don't give up they are drinking tea in the living room knowing very well you were bleeding out. She thought.

She closed her eyes for a moment and slid herself up against the wall a line of blood running up the old wall paper. She could think of Andie, smiling and cheering her on. She took a step, then another, then another.

She looked up and almost collapsed onto the railing of the marble stairs. She held it for a moment and continued up them. Each step was scrutionizing. Every step was her fighting back, every step she took a small trail of blood left behind her wear her arms were dripping. She could feel her body giving up but she gripped the railing harder. She made it to the top and breathed four shaky breaths and then looked to the narrow, steep stair case that lie before her, the one to get to her and her..sisters rooms. She breathed and looked up at them.

They did this to you. They watched as you screamed. They smiled through your pain. Bella casted the spell knowing it would harm you. she thought each step a new more angering thought. She clenched her jaw when she got to the top, she stumbled into the bathroom and leaned against the blurred door, the rims were white but about half way there was a blurred glass. She stumbled over to the sink and saw the horrid view.

Her hair was matted and her braids had come out it was matted with dried blood and tears. Her white shirt was covered in blood stains and her skirt was torn. Her legs had bruises and cuts all over them. Her ears were leaking more and more blood as we speak.

She stood there knowing bellatrix had done this. Bellatrix Druella Black her sister, her hero, her life long friend had done this.

Dorea grabbed some bandages and band aids, and rubbing alcohol then she grabbed a wet rag and started rubbing off her legs. She placed bandages and cleansed the cuts as she did. Then her stomach. And finally she moved to her arms, they still weren't working well. She hadn't noticed her hand. Her left palm was sliced open, it was a deep cut as well. Dorea gasped and grabbed the supplies walking as fast as she could into her room.

She stubbled around but found her sewing kit. She shuttered at what she was about to do but what other choice did she have?

*this is an important part to the plot but I'll spare you the details of her stitching herself I wouldn't think you guys would want to read that*

She tied off the last stitch tears running down her face. She wanted to scream her still throbbing hand wanted to scream, her entire body felt like it was on fire. She sobbed as she stared into her mirror on her vanity.

She then wiped her hands carefully and finished off her arms. She then took off her bloody clothes and changed to clean ones. She carefully slipped into her warm bed, her exhausted body still pounding. She knew she had lost a lot of blood. As she lay there asleep not to far away stood a boy.

Sirius Orion Black stood at his bedroom window. He was pacing, Grimauld place had a mirror at the end of the hallway that connected to one at the other Blacks home. When he had stood before it he saw blood just blood. There were blood specks on the mirror itself and then there was a blood stain on the wall and then it led up the marble stair case.

He would see his cousin the next day at the beggining of winter ball, it was held at her house just as the end of winter ball or Christmas ball was held at his (it was odd)

He couldn't get the image out of his mind of poor Rea having to stand up after that and drag herself up two flights of stairs.

He wondered how bad the injuries were, he knew it was Rea and not Narcissa for the very fact that the blood stain on the wall wasn't that of a 17 year old girl but rather a young one.

He walked back to the mirror and saw that the blood was gone, the wallpaper was replaced and the stains were cleaned. Probably the house elves doing. He worried about Rea so much he didn't sleep the entire night. He ignored the pounding in his head from his father punching his and the bruise on his shin from his mother. All his thoughts were directed at Rea.

"Siri?" a small voice came from behind his and he whipped around to see his young brother. One of the only people in his family (besides Rea) who he loved.

"what's wrong?" he asked realizing Sirius looked worried and was running a hand through his already messed up hair. "why are you standing in front of the mirror, is everything ok?" Regulus asked

"yeah Reg everything is ok don't worry" he said quickly and patted his brother on the shoulder and walked away.

He then stood beside his window wondering what was going through her head right this moment.

In all honesty nothing was going through her head. She was in a state of shock and sleep. Unfortuneatley she had to wake up at one point and face her parents, her sister, and Bellatrix.


ok so I told you all I wouldn't post today but SURPRISE 

I did..twice maybe another after this

who the freak knows

I failed my math test if any of you were wondering (I bet you weren't)

But yeah


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