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Dorea and Sirius sat on the old dusty floor for a while, in a comforted silence. Dorea didn't know how to feel. She'd felt disrespected before of course, she'd felt pain, she'd felt out of place before but the fact that Walburga treated her like a pet was upsetting. She's a human being. A person who has thoughts and feelings, and she knew one thing for sure.

The 'little rebellion' of hers was not going to end here. She'd fight, because this is how they'd treat muggle-borns if not worse.

A light bell rung through the house, Kreacher the house elf popped into the room.

"dinner is served, Master Black, and Lady Black" his croaking voice sounded horse, it sounded hurt, it sounded tortured. Dorea frowned at him, wishing to do something to help him. He was in ragged cloth and his fingers were battered and bandaged.

"thank you Kreacher" she spoke calmly wiping her face. Her face was stiky from tears, like honey had been smeared. It was most likely from the spray. Her eyes were red from the sting and her mouth was dry. The veins in her eyes were emphasized making them look awful. Her scar glowed from tears caught in the grooves. Sirius stood up and offered her a hand. He hugged her closely.

"I won't let her be near you Puff" he promised.

"you can't keep that promise"

"I know but I will try my best" His arms tightened around her and then loosened completely. They made their way down the crooked stairs and the 'family' stood behind their chairs waiting from Walburga and Orion to arrive. Walburga's heels clipped against the wood and Orion's heavy steps echoed. Dorea stood beside Sirius and across from Regulus.

"oh Dorea dear why don't you sit beside Regulus, he's much more impressive than Sirius."


"go sit beside Regulus, go on, go on" she encouraged like she was waiting for a puppy to sit. Dorea sighed not wanting more attention and walked around the table, standing behind the chair beside Regulus and across from Sirius. Orion sat down with a thump and everyone began eating. Dorea moved her food around her plate with her fork. "Dorea it's rude not to eat food presented to you". Sirius looked up as Dorea stared at her aunt. Her aunt practically challenging her to disobey.

"I'm not very hungry" her voice was stiff her mouth still dry, her tongue coated with the sour spray.

"Hungry or not a lady always eats the food in front of her"

"that's the problem M'am I am not a lady" Walburga's face did not change

"we will make quick work out of that" The men of the table stared at the passive aggressive interaction.

"I think she's perfectly fine, Mother if she's not hungry perhaps she could go up to bed" Regulus spoke up

"How incredibly rude Regulus, I expect better of you" Walburga spat

"sorry Mother"

"no no I agree Reg" Sirius spoke aloud

"no one asked Sirius" She gave both a look of challenge, neither spoke the rest of the meal. Dorea sourly swallowed the food, it was poisoned by the sour spray stuck in her mouth.

"M'am I am tired, could I go up to bed, I ate" Dorea rubbed her red eyes, still stinging from the cruel spray.

"yes Dorea" Dorea stood up and pushed in her chair, rubbing her eyes more, sniffles could be heard the entire night from the two boys who sandwhiched her room. Her eyes never stopped stinging, though in the morning they looked less red.

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