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Dorea sat down at her detention with Slughorn. She sat in the back flipping through her books waiting for slughorn to arrive. She wrote little notes on how to do a certain spell better, or what ingredients to add to a potion to make it work the way she wants it to.

The door opened but she didn't lift her head. Severus walked in and sat down at the table across from her. She was smiling at her notes.

"you shouldn't write in your work books" he said confidently.

"Isn't it called a work book?" the young first year spoke not looking at him, finishing off a note.

"yes that's what I said" he sounded a bit caught off guard

"yes well this is my work book, it won't affect anyone in the future and I'm not writing on the writing so it does not affect my learning, it's rather a good resource" she responded looking up at him smiling a bit. He stared at her for a moment.

"huh never thought about it that way"

"there's not much to think about Severus" she smiled. She hadn't spoken to him, there wasn't much need to, he was two years ahead  of her and he wasn't in her house.

"do you know when Proffesor Slughorn will be here I need to speak to him?" he said after a moment of silence.

"no I don't, I didn't think you had detention" she said looking back up at the boy. He had long black hair that framed his face. He had a long crooked nose and a bit of a stare.

"I do not have detention." he confirmed "but why do you?"

"it's a bit of a long story" she said smirking at him remembering the easy task of grabbing the paper and how he'd somehow known it was her. Ugh bastered. "why do you need to speak with Slughorn?"

"I believe I asked first"

"I believe I asked second"

"well then that means you have to answer-"

The door opened and in walked Slughorn, the long awaited.

"well then just you Miss Black." he said and then noticed Severus. "oh mister snape what can I do for you"

"I just wished to speak with you a moment" Slughorn nodded and the two of them made their way into the back office.


Dorea had finally finished her plan, she had created a newish potion for it to work.

She stayed up all night perfecting every detail then at five am she grabbed her supplies and the map and snuck out of the house. She walked up to the dining hall where the house elves were setting the tables, she always thought it cruel for them to have to set the tables manually when Dumbledore could just wave his wand and shiny new plates would be placed among the tables.

She sat at the Hufflepuff table and waited. She hid the map in her robes and was reading a book about her potion.

A few hours past and more people entered the hall. Eventually the boy she was waiting for sat down at his table. She stood up and used the small crowd around him as a distraction. He was a fairly popular kid. She snuck around and carefully out of sight put a few drops of her potion into his cup.

When she sat down she waited a bit longer and screams errupted. She looked up and saw all the screams were coming from one boy.

Luscious Malfoy.

His hair was very much pink. And by hair I mean all of it, the tiny hairs on his arms were pink, his eyebrows, his eyelashes, all of it. Dorea smirked as he made a scene. Though her smirk faded when Narcissa began comforting him and cooing at him.

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