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The healing charms had prosisted through out the night, into the dawn. People switched off to insure when Dorea woke up she'd be all healed. In the Black family this was an uncommon occurance, but they knew that Dorea was their last hope for Regulus. She needed no scratch on her porcelain skin, no bruise to be shown to the public. No one needed to know about this occurance.

When the sun rose over the tree's and Dorea's careful heart beat resumed to it's previous pressure they all relaxed. Regulus had been escorted to a guest room for the night. Narcissa and Lucius had remained by the charms and Bellatrix had returned a little after midnight with drips of blood running down her palms.

No one had caught a second eye on Bellatrix as she casually walked to the kitchen sink and ringed out her hands.

Dorea had attempted to escape that night, and no one was catching onto that. They all believed Dorea, clumsy oblivious Dorea had simply wandered into traffic.

Bellatrix did not buy it. Dorea was not that stupid, Dorea had known what she was doing, and continued. Dorea had tried to cross the highway but instead a horrid man had hit her. Bellatrix knew that Dorea had tried to get to her dear cousin Sirius, is whereabouts to bella were unknown. She knew though that Dorea was to late, the die was cast, the clock had struck and there was no turning back.


Dorea woke up to the small twin bed she'd grown accustumed to growing up. She sighed as she closed the blinding curtains and groaned. Every inch of her ached, every centimeter of her body was on fire. She felt like she might just explode.

She slowly reacquainted herself with the events of the prior night. She leaned over and rested her forehead in her hands. How stupid was she. How had she not noticed the signs of so many doors closing. She couldn't escape. She'd tried to and the damned universe hit her with a car, and she'd known she was getting hit. She tried to escape with death but no. Her bloody family just had to save her. that one heroic that had ever occured in the family. But this wasn't a heroic. they'd saved her not because they loved her but because they needed her.

This was a mess.

Dorea was a mess.

And she'd finally picked up on every hint her sisters had given her every clue to tell her that this was it, each and every door closed except for one and that one was well unattracting.

She wanted to throw herself out a window, she knew she wouldn't. But why couldn't the universe have given the option to die like every one else. She could've died.

everything would have been quiet, and dark, and peaceful.

Everything would have stopped spinning, she'd be put in the ground in the same graveyard as her father, no one would cry at her funeral. And that'd be it. That'd be the last of Dorea Belvina Black. And Regulus would marry some 4th cousin and they'd live happily. She was the problem, everything started because of her.

A knock at her door caught her by surprise and she jumped. Bella walked in and smiled sweetly, it was strange but dorea liked it. Bella sat at the foot of her bed and rubbed Dorea's shins.

"good you're up." she said calmly and carefully. "we should get going shouldn't we?"

"where?" Dorea's voice was hoarse and strangled but Bella just continued to smile. It was beginning to get unnerving; her attempt at comfort.

"home." Bella said then grabbed Dorea's hand and apparated into the hall of her house. Dorea went up to her small room on a top wing of the Lestrange manor, she shut the door and went to the window.

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