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Rea hopped off the stool, eyes still big and wide. She felt eyes on her, lots and lots of eyes. She decided to ignore them, her family came first. She sat down beside Amos.

She turned to see Narcissa's eyes still on her back, as if staring into her would set her on fire. Rea fought back tears as she saw her sister look at her like that. Narcissa had never been that mean to her. Cissy was always the nice one. She couldn't imagine what Bella would think let alone her parents.

She looked away and back at the table blocking out Amos' light chatter with the kids in front of her. She heard Regulus' name be called she turned to see him. His eyes glued to her. He just looked confused as he stared at her. She felt tears sitting behind her eyes, tears that she refused to let fall.

"SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled and Regulus smiled turning away breaking eye contact and sitting down across from his cousin Narcissa, blocking her view of Dorea. Blocking Dorea from seeing much more of Cissa's dagger eyes.

Dorea sighed might as well make the most out of her last moments on the face of the earth. She breathed and added into Amos' conversation.

"woah.. was not expecting that" Sirius muttered gesturing to his cousin in front of him, she was only a table away so he could stare into her brown braids as she twirled her fork anxiously. Not staring meanly but just out of sympathy. He had expected Ravenclaw or heck Gryffindor. But Hufflepuff would make her parent rage. Just as if he had gotten Hufflepuff they would have flipped out, not that they didn't flip out with his red tie but this, this was different.

Rea walked out of the hall along with all of the houses but she saw her sister, almost raging over to her. Her feet sped up trying to avoid her words. A hand was placed firmly on her shoulder, she saw her sisters face break as the boy behind her glared into her soul.

Narcissa just turned to her friends. Dorea kept walking unsure of who this person was but their hand did not break from her shoulder. The crowd had thinned and the person behind her stopped walking making her turn to him. There stood her cousin, who she didn't talk to much but she liked him. He was cool.

He looked to see if Cissa was there and  looked at her, just looked at her

"I wanna die. But at the same time, I know I won't have to kill myself. My parents will beet me to it" she muttered sadly looking at her feet. Her cheeks a light pink. Her brown freckles contrasting with the pink as he lifted her chin.

"they won't kill you"


"no they won't because if they do, people will ask questions." he said just telling her the truth she so desperatley did not want to hear. She nodded tears brimmed at her eyes.

"Bella will kill me happily in their place"

"I thought you and Bella were close"

"well after this I don't know.. Andie and I have always been close and I hope that doesn't change with her..absence. But I thought I was close with Cissy. Looked like she was gonna shove an apple down my throat"

Sirius nodded knowing how she felt but unlike her he wasn't expecting or hoping for Slytherin. He knew she didn't actually want to get Slytherin but she wanted to please her parents.

"It'll be alright I-"

"you can't promise that. You don't know how my parents act when we're not putting on a charade and I know you understand" she said turning around and walking away back into the crowd. He shuttered to think that her parents treated her the same way his did. But it would make sence.

They were family, and both of their family's were obsessed with precision and pristine. He hated to even think of poor Dorea under that curse. The curse all of them were so terrified of. Because if they hadn't already expierienced it yet they knew it was only a matter of time before they did. He hated to think that she was the same way.

Now that he thought of it the last time he had seen Dorea she acted a bit strange. It was a christmas party, gathering together his stupid family.

He glared at the stupid decorations the house elves had put up to try and make the stupid Grimauld place seem like less of a dump.

In all truth Grimauld place wasn't a dump it was quite grand and beautiful but the view was tainted for Sirius.

Guests began arriving but one family caught his eye as he sat on the stairs. A mother who was wearing a black dress with a silver belt, a cold looking father with a stern look, and four daughters. Of course he had met them before.

Bellatrix was 8 years older than him, Andromeda was 6 years older, Narcissa was 4 years older, and the one breaking the chain, Dorea was 2 years younger than him. It was silly of him to have memorized this but he had.

Dorea looked a bit on edge, her normal braids were unkempt and a bit loose. Although everything about her outfit had been most likely perfectly picked by one of her sisters. Her flowy skirt that only touched her mid thigh, her black tights, and white top were all planned out clearly.

She tugged at one of her braides, her dark brown streaks more visible against the white. Her mother whispered something to her and her face dropped walking away from them and over to Sirius. She sat down beside him and sighed.

"I'm sorry am I being a nuisance I can leave" she said quietly in a small voice. He just relized she had most likely been in situations like this before, when her sisters didn't want her around, calling her a nuisnace.

"no it's ok I was a bit lonely" he said in a confident voice that Rea always wished to have. She set her head in her hands and lightly rubbed her ears, her freckled cheeks a light pink. He noticed she was wearing a long sleeve shirt, she usually wore those. He did to.. he did to. He then looked at her head, a bit of blood was dribbling out of her ear, she was wiping it away with a small finger.

She stood up carefully as if worried to knock something over and she carefully walked away from Sirius, noticing he had seen her blood. He sighed not truly knowing what had happened

but now he did.

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