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Taylor was worse alone. He didn't care if Dorea said no. He didn't care if she yelled curses at him. Dorea hated him. More than she thought one could hate a person. Taylor just held that stupid smirk on his face as he teased her about things that weren't funny.

She felt stupid and useless and powerless when he was in the room. When she finally got him away she sat on the corner of the couch, as far away from him as she could get.

She hated these little meet ups. She hated them. Especially now.

"oh come on darling don't cry" he mocked "you're such a little baby Dorea, toughen up"

that was only one of the visits. the first one.

Dorea hated them all, but she could do nothing to prevent them. He just kept visiting. Dorea never wished for regulus more than now. She wanted to cry on his shoulder and sob to him about all the cruel things Taylor had done. She wanted someone to talk to, but she had no one. Not even her cat.

She wrote back and forth to Seph, it was her happiest moments in the dark house. Her little minutes of light as she read Seph's letters. She kept each one in her book box, but the box was especially hidden. It was no longer in her droor, she couldn't take it if Taylor found them.

She had hidden it with the house elves. They were her greatest companions. they'd come to her room each day to say hello and do house chores but Dorea cherished those moments when she could spill all the dark secrets to them knowing they'd never tell a soul.

Dorea had never appreciated house elves as much as she loved them now. They truly were kind creatures.

It wasn't until the 7th visit she couldn't bare it anymore. When he left she walked into her room shut the door, she felt tired and wobbly. She felt used and broken and hurt. She sat down at her desk and wrote. It wasn't addressed to anybody. Actually it was never to be read. No one knew of the horrors that went on in this house hold. So page after page she wrote her terror. She wrote her fear. She churned her thoughts into ink.

Her heart bled onto the page, she strung the pages together. It was a story of her life. A direct account of everything that led her to this point. Every little thing. Tears had stained the pages. Ink smudges had occured due to her fast penmanship. but she had to write it. She had to tell someone. Because if she didn't now, soon it'd be to late. She wrote everything that had happened, every hope and curiosity. Then she walked down the hall. Down the long halls of the Black manor until she found the portrait she wanted to see. It was across from the library, it was along the lines of every heir. This portrait had recently been hung so the dust from the other portraits was nonexistent. The new heir. Regulus' face looked sad, it wasn't emotionless like the other men. No it looked mournful. She tucked her book behind his portrait making sure to hide the book well in the paper wrapping.

Then she walked to her mothers room.



You can't be perfect all the time.

You can't win every battle.

Sometimes the world turns its back on you.

Just hopefully you don't lose yourself in the process.


The lights were dark. The ground was cold. Her heart raced. Nothing was right.

Regulus stood in the center of the room in front of Tom.

It was the first time she'd seen Regulus since their fight.

Dorea stood in a black dress as she stared helplessly at Regulus' almost shaking body. Toms voice was snake like and dangerous. he stared at Regulus with a look so intense Dorea couldn't bare to look at it anymore. She cast her gaze to the floor and as the room flashed green and people aplauded and cheered Dorea refused to look up. She refused to see that mark on Regulus' skin. She couldn't bare to see it.

Identical to Bellatrix's.

She couldn't. She couldn't bare to face her very quickly approaching reality.

"ah ah ah don't get so excited yet, we still have one more" Tom smiled as he gazed at Dorea's shivering body. "in fact this one is a very special recruit." Tom raised his hand for dorea to approach. She didn't immedietly. In fact it took Bellatrix literally pushing her toward him.

She looked up at him, she didn't speak. She didn't say a word as he smiled. he raised his hand to her chin tilting in upwards. He scanned her face.

"what a lovely scar Miss Black" he admired the long scar on the side on her face "remind me, why did you recieve that?" Dorea said nothing knowing the true reason.

because Bellatrix had joined the death eaters.

"I'm very excited to have you join us, you clearly have made the correct choice." he paused as Dorea's hand started shaking beside her "oh no need to be nervous, I won't hurt you"

I won't hurt you. Those same words had been said many times to her. they were always broken, always except for when Regulus said them. When regulus spoke those clean words he neveer broke them.

He had never hit Dorea, even if Dorea's heart yerned for him. People always came to dorea's rescue, when she was breaking down or getting beat up. No one would save her here. No one would help her here. This was it.

"quite the thoughts you have" Tom spoke quietly only to her 'so much guilt, and anger, but" he paused

"get out of my head"

"i will do whatever I want to your head. " he sneered "you're sad. you're not hateful, you're not scared, you're sad." Dorea froze "do tell me Dorea why are you doing this? What is your motive"

"to join you of course, to follow the worlds greatest revolution" Dorea said clearly, it'd been practiced.

"lies. You join to save someone" Tom closed his eyes to focus and Dorea squirmed in his grip. "a lover perhaps?"

"stop-" and like that Tom opened his eyes

"of course, why didn't I see it before. Your heart is at war, has been for a while. I wonder what will win. Hate?" he leaned in closer to Dorea "or love?" He pressed his wand into her forearm.

The room flashed green. Dorea felt a piercing feeling as if someone was cutting into her with knives. She shouldn't have done this. This was a mistake. She jerked in his arms wanting it to stop.

"no one will save you here Dorea." Tom whispered. "no one would save you" she could feel his smile on her cheek. "love is weakness. Hate is power" he spoke


"no one says no to me" he pressed his wand deeper into her skin, she could feel it piercing through her arm. "Love makes you weak, love is sacrifice. Hate makes you powerful, hate is winning"

"please-" she choked out.

"no begging. along side me, you're strong. Along side us you're powerful." he smiled as she stopped squirming, it happened with everyone.

it was over.

she'd lost.

but she could love seph.

she'd done this for her.

and it only set in once she walked to stand by Regulus. When he glared at her with so much hate in his eyes she moved her eyes to the floor.

she realized

who would ever love someone who had done this

who could love a girl who joined murderers.

why would anyone love her.



have a nice day/night

don't cry to much ;)


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