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Dorea had been so sure about the Potters. It'd all been so quick, all of the planning. she hadn't even planned she'd just run. They'd come looking for her but they couldn't find her right? She hadn't planned at all.

She ended up going to a 24/7 gas station and asked for a map. The muggle was tired and was watching something on the tv behind her and handed her a pamphlet about foot diseases instead of a map but she just took it and grabbed a map on her way out. she didn't want to be rude so she took the foot pamphlet and kept it.

She remembered James talking about a coffee shop called Mundos just a block from his house so she walked there then searched each mailbox around it. She looked at each one until she saw the Potter's beautiful black mailbox. The streetlight made it look angelic to dorea's sleep deprived eyes.

She walked to the doorstep of their hosue. But she was worried to wake them up so she simply took a seat on their swinging bench. It was a rather large house, not as big as her childhood home but big. It was brick and looked homey. It looked nice and friendly. It looked inviting.

She didn't even tell her body to lie down but in a moments time she was laying passed out on the Potter's doorstep swinging chair. Holding a foot pamphlet and a muddy map with a cat curled up in her arms freezing cold. Both of them shaking, but Darling was warmed by dorea's body heat, as she pulled her legs close to her chest and her arms around the shivering cat and gave her all the warmth.

the snow began to fall, the stars not visible at all underneathe the large dark clouds. Dorea hadn't even thought of the fact that it was new years eve. Fireworks flashed behind her. It didn't register in her head that she was supposed to go to a ball with bella, or that everyone would know she just lie unconcious on the Potters doorstep as Sirius and James laughed in the back yard as they played with sparklers and Mr and Mrs Potter photographed them. Brothers.

Dorea could only hope that they let her stay a bit. At least until she could find somewhere else to stay.


As the sky lit up with a hundred beams of sunlight Fleamont potter tightened his tie and exited his home almost missing the girl on his porch.

"uh honey?" he yelled back into his house as he stared at the girl, snow had blown onto her, her nose was bright pink and her cheeks were as cold as ice, a cat tail sticking out under her arms told him there was a cat somewhere in between her knees and her arms. But he picked up the two pieces of paper on the porch floor. One a map and one a muggle foot phungus ad. his brows furrowed was this girl a muggle?

James stumbled to the door frame

"Moms frying eggs she's busy" he informed but he followed his fathers gaze to the girl huddled on their swinging chair.


"SIRIUS" he screamed up the stairs before rushing back out the front door. Sweatpants and all.

"dad this is Sirius' cousin dorea" he said quickly to his father as he rushed to her. He put a hand on her forehead. "god she's freezing" he sounded like he was her mother.

"what" Sirius rasped barely awake but he opened his eyes enough to see darling leaping out of dorea's arms and to his leg. He caught Darling before she fell and held her close. darling was surprisingly warm.

"Dorea" James shook her.

"I'll call in sick for work" Fleamont said rushed. In all honesty he didn't want to go to work anyways. He had a hangover from last night and wanted to go back to sleep. But he was also worried about the strange girl on his porch, he went in to tell his wife. Euphemia would no doubt take this girl in, they had plenty of space and there was no way they could say no.

"Dorea please wake up" James urged but as he said that Dorea's eyes fluttered open, she sniffled and smiled up at him.

"go get a shirt on James you must be freezing" she joked, he smirked and felt relief as she stretched out on the bench pulling an arm under her head and pulling out her back. 

Sirius moved toward his cousin and away from the warm house as he stared at her freezing figure.

"you did it Puff" Sirius smiled

"I did it Siri" she looked up and met his gaze

"come on lets get you inside" he pulled her up smiling. She looked older, he noticed. She looked taller for sure.

He didn't need to bother with what happened yet, maybe some day but now? Now he just wanted to wallow in the fact that she was out, she was safe in his home. She was safe with him. 

Now all he had to do was get regulus.


this ones short but I guess it's fine

it's part of the story, it's kinda difficult to figure out how I'm going to situate the next few parts because we're not exactly into the plot yet and we still have a while but i'm worried I'll lose readers before I get there so idk what do you all think

have a nice night/day


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