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Dorea's cheek was split open, her nose was broken.

Her world slipped from right under her feet and shattered into a million pieces that she couldn't fix.

She was broken into a million pieces, her emotions waved over her.

Her memories taunted her.

Her previous confidence was washed away. She wasn't confident, she was determined.

She wouldn't, no scratch that she couldn't fall into the blood thirsty trap Bella had. Her dear sister was swallowed and washed away, drowned in the deep dark water we all were treading on.

Every kid in this god for saken family was treading water above the deep freazing depths, careful not to be swallowed. Some would give in, to tired to continue. Some would purpously fall, and some were determined to tread until they died. Never giving in.

Dorea was determined avenge her dear Bella. This new Bellatrix was an imposter. Bellatrix was a sick mistake of Bella.

Dorea's body shook, trying to stay concious. Remus, James, and Sirius took her to a muggle hospital, their cover story was that she got hit by a falling tree. Not the other way around.

When she did get home she hid in a dark room in the basement of the house. They wuldn't know where she was. She wasn't ready to face them. She never would be. Narcissa seemed tired that afternoon, Bellatrix looked pleased but none of her family had seen her that entire day. Only Riddle.

She could hear their laughter and chatter upstairs, eating dinner.

When the conversation was at a peak she crept out of the basement and up the stairs. She sat in front of the fire. She had a bandage on her face from getting stitches, she had a bandage on her nose keeping it in place. Her wrist was sprained and wrapped in a few bandages.

As she sat by the fire on the floor she heard heard footsteps, but not the soft ones of Narcissa, or the clicks of Bellatrix's shoes no these were heavy and cautious.

She didn't look up from the dancing flames. She just sat there watching them taunt her, they dried her wounds.

"well hello" a deep voice said and Dorea knew exactly who it was.

"what do you want?" she growled

"ha someone threw a tantrum" he laughed as he saw the bandages

"no thanks to you"

"feisty" he stepped towards her sitting down on a couch. Dorea stood up her skirt blood splattered, and her shirt stained red. He sat there unfazed, her legs were bandaged and bruised.

She glarred at him.

"you are the worst thing to ever happen to the world" she growled

"well thank you"

"you're a real sick bastard" 

"and you're just a little girl who sits around disgracing her family"

"at least I have a family" she smirked

"do you?" He stood up and walked back down the stairs. She stood there shocked.


Narcissa sat on her bed hugging a small teddy listening to Dorea's soft sniffles.

She heard foot steps, then talking.

She leaned against her door to listen. She knew it was wrong but she had already had about the worst day a person can have so she was to exhausted to fight with herself.

"at least I have a family" Rea growled

Narcissa smirked the tiniest bit when thinking of Dorea standing up to Tom like that.

"do you?" Riddles malicious voice calmly spoke and then foot steps. Silence.

Complete and udder silence.

Narcissa had been told by Bella not to talk to Dorea or look at her at all. But right now all she wanted to do was hug the small girl. Narcissa slumped on the door and heard a few muttered words, Dorea's footsteps sounded and then a door softly shut.

Cissa fell to the floor knowing Dorea believed him. Cissa fell to the floor knowing he was right,

They hadn't treated her like family. And she knew that the rest of her family never would again.

"you're all I have left Darling" Narcissa's ears perked up when she heard Dorea's soft voice.

"we're in this together my sweet" she spoke and nuzzled the small kitten.

Narcissa listened as Dorea walked about her room and then silence. She must have gone to bed. Cissa waited a few hours reading. She heard Bella walk into her own room and hsut the door. Once that door shut Narcissa slipped out of the door, she tip-toed to Dorea's door and cracked it open.

"I'm sorry Bear" she whispered



I know it's taken me a while to post but you see it was the last week of the term last week and I was completely submerged in late and missing work..sorry :/

I need to stop procrastinating I know

And this is a super short update..

Less than 1k words

I'm just going through some shit right now with family and friends.

I'm not going to bore you with it but I'm sorry

I'm planning on a time jump because everything gets interesting in 3rd year but idk what do you think?


ps. drink some water, get some food, and don't worry about school right now take a nap do you.

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