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This is living.

This is what it's like to truly live.

Dorea Belvina Black finally lives.

She got back on the quiditch team, she's not stressing over class and she finally has a quiet mind. No loud thoughts to come attacking her. She pushed away thoughts of her family, compltelly blocked them off and she smiles every day.

Regulus refuses to even look at her, and the one time he did he scowled. He looked mad, like he hated her. His face turned red and his eyebrows knotted together. His teeth clenched and his eyes narrowed. She'd never gotten a look from Regulus so full of hatred. She didn't bother to even try to look beneath the scowl she didn't think she could muster enough courage to even attempt.

Little did she know if she had tried to even ask him, she would have gotten a spew of words and emotions. Regulus had been hiding underneathe a mask of the Slytherin prince. Hidden beneathe his families perfection. He'd needed someone to tell when he'd even thought the most terrifying thought he'd ever thought in his entire 14 years of life but no. When he'd rushed down his steps at the new years eve party and searched all night for her she was no where to be seen. When he'd gone up to her mother and asked where you were she furrowed her eyebrows, "is she not here regulus?" she'd asked with a slight frustration tainting her pristine voice. He'd gone to Bellatrix but she was no where to be found. The next day when Bellatrix had come to visit without Dorea he'd knew. She seemed almost frantic. She seemed angry and upset.

He'd needed his best friend. But Dorea it seems had moved on without him.

What about their promise? She'd wait until he was ready.

I guess promises meant nothing to Dorea because she tends to break a lot of them. And poor Regulus knows every single word she's gone against when she didn't show up to the ball, he knew every promise she'd broken when her sister came running, he'd known every silent saying she'd torn apart when he saw her laughing and smiling with his brother.

They were free, free from the burdens. But he knew he couldn't leave. He may dislike his mother and father but they're family, and he loves them. 

Though love to regulus and Dorea were very different things. Love to regulus was who you're supposed to love, your parents your siblings your family. To Dorea it's who in your family you would love if they weren't family. if her mother hadn't been her mother dorea wouldn't love her, if her father hadn't been family she wouldn't have loved him. If Regulus or her sisters hadn't been family she would ahve loved them nontheless.

But Regulus had a sudden change of heart when he had that drastic thought that night. He'd fell off his bed and his breathing had become heavy. He'd knocked over his bed stand an dthen carefully pieced it back together just in case his mother were to enter. And then he'd thrown himself back down. Because his thought meant a lot of things. Sirius loved Remus, and they were both boys. Dorea had told him. So loving boys isn't bad..but why didn't he tell their parents. Because its unacceptabl;e? Would they not accept him? What if the reason dancing with Dorea felt wrong was because he didn't want to dance with a girl, instead he wanted to dance with a boy?

Am I gay?


Dorea saw the mystery girl a few times this year, she'd never spoken to her again she didn't know her name. She didn't know anything, the only thing she did seem to know was that Dorea could not leave her alone. her thoughts had a plan, and their plan was to not let her forget those eyes for 10 seconds.

Dorea curently sat under a tree on the lawn in the courtyard. She was reading Romeo and Juliet. No one was out with her. It was a cloudy day and kinda bland. It was still early spring so it was pretty cold. Doreas cheeks and nose had begun to turn rosy and her ears were pink.

She wondered why she hadn't put on something warmer than what she always wore. But today she had an oversized baggy yellow hoodie on. She didn't need to look perfect anymore.

The door hinged op[en and then shut but Dorea paid no mind to it until shoes were right in front of her.

"well well if it isn't dorea"That raspy voice sang. 

Dorea didn't respond she just kept her eyes glued to the swirly pages but even now she felt her cheeks heating up and her breathing getting heavy. Dorea book was soon out of her grasp and she burst up to grab it but the girl raised it where she couldn't reach.

"Romeo and juliet huh..we got a romantic on our hands" she laughed and Dorea put a hand around her neck digging her finger nails into her skin so hard she worried it'd draw blood. she barly felt the pain. The girl began flipping through the pages and Dorea began to jump trying to get it but the girl just laughed. "never gonna happen shorty"

"I'm not short"

"you are to me"

Dorea met the girls eyes but they were crinkled like she was enjoying this.

"it's only fair that i know your name"

"I don't care whats fair puffy..I'll tell you when i want to"

"then what should i call you"

"you shoudln't be calling me any thing" she said but instantly her face fell for a minute "just call me seph" she said the joke in her voice gone

"okay seph" Dorea's smile returned and she smiled at Seph

"none..none of that-" Seph began  but stopped herself when Dorea grabbed her book only realizing her hand had lowered. Dorea plopped back down and flipped open the pages. Seph rolled her eyes for a minute and began walking. She walked through the doors and then to the halls, it had large open windows and Seph paused staring at Dorea. She looked at her for the first time, really took a look.

Dorea was small, with curly brown hair. sh had freckles and looked adorbale right there in that huge sweater and book. Seoh rolled her eyes as the word adorable echoed in her head. She only wished she'd bothered to look at her eyes, what color were they?

Dorea sat there alone in the courtyard once again slipping down the trunk and slouching on it. She set down her book and wrapped her arms around her legs. She plopped her head onto her arms and thought about Seph. But then she stopped herself. Why does she have all these feelings for Seph?

Even she didn't know.

Only time would tell.

The only problem Dorea had in this department was having nothing to call herself. If she'd known that people like her existed maybe she would have accepted who she was. But instead Dorea sat there wondering if something was wrong with her. Wondering why she had to ask.

If only Dorea had asked.



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