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In no way am I saying that underaged drinking or self harm is okay anywhere. It's just for the sake of the story.


Sirius woke up with a start. Remus' head was on his shoulder and James was laying side ways on his chair, Peter who had Darling last was shaking Sirius awake frantically.

"what?" his drowsy voice woke up James. The two boys squinted at the sun light before their eyes opened.

"Pads.. Dorea's gone and so is Darling" Peter said his eyes were wide. Sirius didn't say anything just sat straight up, his drowsiness missing and his breathing quickened. He shook Remus up.

"what pads?" he groaned

"get up Mooney"

The boys ran out of the sun beamed room frantically checking the map. They searched for Dorea's name and after unfolding it a second time they found it.

"she's in the owlery?" Peter questioned

"dude she's in the owlery." James repeated Sirius' world quickly shrank. They ran to the owlery only to hear laughing as they approached the stairs. Only to hear Dorea's laugh echoing in the tall tower. Moments before they had thought they were too late, maybe someone had come to the rescue before they had.


Around 3 am that night the two had returned to the castle, they had walked the corridors before an older Gryffindor stumbled on the two. That boy had been running from Minnie and he shoved the bottles and all of their contents into Regulus' arms. He began to run, Dorea and Regulus following not knowing what they were running from. They ended up rounding back to the owlery as a good hiding spot. They sat beside the bench on the floor wondering what to do with the bottle.

"you know reggie, what's the harm?"

"Bear you know the harm"

"who cares anymore though.. we only have so long to live right?" Dorea smirked at him "life's too short to live with regrets"

"and we only have 4 more years.."

"why the heck not Reggie?" Regulus popped open the fowl liquid and sniffed it. His entire face squeezing into a ball as his nostrils burned.

"how do adults drink this?" his face still scrunched as Dorea took the bottle from him rather harshly and began to chug the burning liquid. The clear contents flew down her throat like water on a slide. It splashed on the roof of her mouth burning her nose. As she tipped the bottle down her faced squeezed together just as Reggies had.

"how was it Bear?"

"it felt hot, and chemically, but good. The feeling was, good." She handed one the bottle they'd opened to Regulus and he took a sip. The night continued just like that. One sip after the other, not knowing how to stop. The burning sensation in their throats and mouths made them feel like they were people again. It made them forget their troubles and just exist. And foir that one solem night they chugged their troubles away. For those hours they couldn't remember a time before this, they couldn't remember their betrayals or the trauma, they were just existing barely even real.


James rushed up the stairs to see Regulus and Dorea leaned onto each other half asleep. The two would periodically laugh at something the other mumbled even if it was nothing.

"do you know why the koalla fell from the tree?" Regulus muttered, his words slurring together barely keeping his laughter under control. Dorea began to giggle just from him speaking but she responded with "no..why" Regulus choked on his laughter and barely made out "cause-it was dEad" the two burst into a fit of giggles.

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