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"DARLING YOU MOTHER FUCKER GET OUT HERE OR YOU'RE IN TIME OUT" James screamed down the empty dark corridor.


"to much?"

"to much" Remus agreed, Remus wore a wool sweater and sweatpants, James wore red sweatpants and a white t-shirt, and while the sweat panted boys wandered they were looking for a multicolored cat in a tutu and fairy wings.

"DARLING PUFF IS GONNA KILL US IF YOU DON'T STOP YOUR REBELLION WE KNOW YOU MISS HER" James yelled, it was currently 3 am and very ballsy to be screaming down a pitch black corridor but here they were.

" kitty kitty"


"they're gonna start thinking you're calling for an actual girl"

"wait- Lilly"

"yeah so shut your blabber mouth-" Remus ruffly through James against the wall, Remus standing beside him as they heard quick footsteps. They were pitter patter. Four paws.

"oh thank god" James walked off into the corridor only to be met with the wrong cat. This one was grey."shit, oh fuck man" he cursed under his breath running a hand through his hair.

"what is it prongs?" Remus walked over only to share the look of horror with James. Mc'Gonagle.. this was Mc'Gonagles cat form. "run?" he whispered


They turned quickly sprinting but in a flash Mc'Gonagle changed back and grabbed the two boys by the backs of their shirts.

"What were you boys thinking? Running about in the halls in the middle of the night yelling absurdities!" She said annoyed, quick passed, and very tired.

"well we-"

Then they heard the angelic pitterpatter of foot steps again. Remus turned his head only to see little Darling. He ran around Mc'Gonagle getting out of her grasp and scooping the small cat into his arms.

"Mr. Lupin?"

"yes Mc' Gonagle?"

"go to bed, and detention the remainder of the week for being out of bed after hours, and irresponsible pet owning" she then turned on her heel smirking slightly but very ready to slip under her covers and go back to sleep.

"I thought you had died Darling." Darling still had her wings but her tutu was no where to be seen. s

"I wonder if someone will just find a tiny tutu in the halls somewhere" the two laughed at the thought but went back to Gryffindor common room. Darling safe in Remus' arms.

sDecember 24th 1974

Sirius sat on the steps of Grimauld place as the house elves bussled about around him, with streamers and cakes. He rolled his eyes as they tried to make the old house look like less of a dump. In all honesty number 12 Grimauld place was not in fact a dump. But the view for him, was tainted.

It had been a while since the mind control incident and Dorea wasn't fully over it, he'd realized she'd stopped trying to defy his mother. Begging for her to never use the spell again, he didn't understand it. He'd never been under the curse but he'd researched it a bit in the library, some 'experts' say it appears to be painless, though other eye witness accounts beg to differ. Some witches and wizards say it feels as if someone is clawing at the insides of their skin or a stabbing pain in their head or heart. He didn't know what Dorea had expierienced, he never would really know, he just knew she didn't act the same.

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