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It was a quiet night, the moon did not shine. The stars did not glow and the wind howled like wolves on the run. Regulus hid under his bed in his room. Hiding from the loud shouts of his mother and his father. Hiding from the yelling of his brother, and from the constant bangs from the downstairs. He shook uncontrollably as the yelling ceased and a door slammed. Stomps came up the stairs and he could hear the droors of Sirius' dresser being slammed and rushed thudding around his room.

Regulus crawled out from under his bed, bringing enough courage to face his brother. He poked his head out of his door and looked around the corner. No one. He then moved quickly to Sirius' room, nervously peaking his head in the door.

Sirius looked towards the noise and saw Regulus' eyes, they were wide and frightened.

"Reggie come with me, we could run away together. We could stay at james' and live freely" he pleaded


"Come with me, please Reggie, don't stay here come" a tear rolled down Regulus' face. he couldn't leave he just couldn't. Regulus shook his head and quickly wiped the tear. Sirius ran to Regulus and hugged him in the door way. The two brothers holding each other like it was the last time.

Regulus quietly cried into his brothers shoulder. Regulus couldn't ask him to stay, not when he knew how happy Sirius would be living with his best friend. Regulus could only put all his love into this hug.

"Je t'aime" Sirius whispered in french

"ti amo anch'io" Regulus responded in Italian and even if the two didn't understand each others languages. Even if the two brothers had very different lives and very different perspectives they understood each other for that one moment.

Sirius had to leave, and Regulus had to stay. There was no other way. One could go as long as the other stayed, both could not stay and both could not leave. It was one or the other.

Sirius knew Regulus would be on the opposite side, he knew they would be seperated. So all the two boys could do was push all their love for each other into this never ending hug. Shouts were heard from the downstairs from Walburga and Orion. Sirius patted Regulus' back and pulled off resting his arms on his little brothers shoulders.

Sirius smirked for a moment, his famous mischevious smirk, threw his bag over his shoulder.

"stay safe Siri" Regulus raised his eyebrow as he spoke

"you too little bro" Sirius winked at his brother as he climbed out the window leaving him standing in the middle of the hallway abandoned from sight.

Leaving Regulus in the old house, full of anger. Leaving regulus alone with the shouts of his mother and father. The two that moment had chosen their sides. There was no going back now. there was no escape now.

This was it.


Bellatrix visited the house the next day. She sat down with her mother in the drawing room sipping wine at 9 am.

The two shared light small talk, treading lightly . Both dangerous and powerful women sitting in the drawing room looking side ways at each other.

Dorea's small footsteps were heard down the stairs and she entered the drawing room.

She saw the scene, and decided it was best if she left.

"no Dorea, please join us." Bellatrix smirked at the girl, but her smile soon faded. Dorea gave the smallest forced smile and sat beside Bellatrix as far away from her mother as possible. She looked like a puppy afraid of a wolf.

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