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Dear Mr. Scammander, 

I hope this letter finds you alright. I heard you began teaching at Hogwarts, it only took Dumbledore 3,000 times asking. In less light I must remind you dear old friend that my wife has a young sister at Hogwarts currently. As you know her family has stopped contact with her, she and her sister were very close and haven't talked in three years. It's too risky for her to contact her young sister personally, the less she knows the better but she just wanted to know if she is alright. Her sisters name is Dorea Black, I do hope you recognize the name and can get back sooner rather than later. She doesn't know anything, of any sort.  Please write back soon Newt.

Your old friend,

                                  Ted Tonks


The first day back home was good. She still battled in her head for an answer to her constant dilema, but she kept it an internal war. Dorea helped Lila unpack and then they headed down to the great hall.

They sat at the same table they had always sat at. It was comforting for Dorea, to eat the same good food, to stuff herself with good meals, not being forced to shove it down her throat but be able to enjoy it with her friends. 

The chatter around her, the laughter floating in the air. She was glad to be home. Really home, in the big castle in the middle of nowhere in scottland. She smiled as Lila blabbered about how the muggle school system sucks and how she's happy she got out of it.

Dorea couldn't get the big book she'd read out of her head. The way they took their own lives for one another, because one couldn't live with out the other. She wondered if Narcissa was living her fairy tale, with the man of her dreams. She wondered if Andie was living her love story, with that man called Ted? Was she happy without them?

Dorea thought about love a lot. She wondered if one day someone would look at her the way Lucious looks at Narcissa, would anyone ever love her the way Romeo loves Juliet? Her heart told her yes, that she deserved the world and that one day everything would be sunshine again. But her gut told her no, because her story, this story was no love story. This was no shakespearian tradgedy.

Dorea wished that someone someday would talk about her the way Andie talked about Ted, she wished one day someone might love her the ways the fairy tales always talked about.

But this was no fairy tale.


Dorea left the great hall with her heart slightly heavy. She ran into a hard chest and stepped back a bit. Her eyes adjusted and met Newts. He smiled down at her. He was wearing what he always did, grey pants and a white button down that was loose and usually very messed up. Dorea smiled lightly at him.

"how was it?" he asked

"you sound like you're asking me about a rollercoater ride I just went on" she giggled "but it was alright"

"that's not very convincing"

"it should be"

"Dorea how was it really"

"well I had to stay with my Aunt for a little bit" she wasn't going to tell him  about the part where she frantically wrote him a half finished letter and then had to shove it inside her mouth to keep his identity. That secret would go with her to the grave, you don't tell people things like that right?


"it's a long story"

"a story we have time for Dorea"

"my parents didn't want me home so they sent me to my aunts, to make me more presentable and less a wreck and now they think that I'm a 'lady' and it's gross and I have no clue what consequences will come from this and now I'm teetering cause I have no clue what to do and everyone wants me to pick a side." she said very quickly and rushed, moving her hands about.

"okay okay okay, you're okay Dor, you're okay now that you're at Hogwarts."


"okay" he laughed which made her laugh a bit. "so you think they'll find out that you didn't change?" he asked

Well she certainly had because before christmas she was sure of fighting and now she was to scared to do anything anymore.

"yeah.." she half lied

"well, in the unlikely case that they do find out, and they get upset, and you think they might place a hand on you, you're always welcome in my home"

"okay" she smiled at him half heartedly.

They began walking, enjoying the sunset. Both thinking, silently enjoying each others company. Dorea paused at the stairs down to the dungeons.

"Good night Newt" she sighed and stepped down the old stone steps.

"Good night Dorea, sleep well"

"you too."


Newt Scammander sat at his desk, with quill in hand, ink beside him and a blank page in front of him. He didn't want to have to tell his friends wife that her sister wasn't in the greatest position, but he also couldn't lie to her. He'd known Ted since ted was little. He was in the same year as Ted's oldest brother, there fore meeting Ted and despite the age difference they became close.

He placed his quill on the page, the ink pooling a bit. Alright lets go.

Dear Mr. Ted Tonks,

Yes, hello my dear friend it has been to long. I'm happy to hear from you, less happy to hear of your wife's grief. I do recognize the name, she is one of my students. Dorea's issues began in her first year when she did not place in Slytherin rather in Hufflepuff. During that year she got numerous threats from family members. I met her the summer after her first year, she has not been doing so great. Though it could be worse. I hate to have to send the news but she does come back to school each break with numerous bruises and or cuts. She has good friends who keep her company and has grown quite close with a few of the teachers. I don't know if this was previous but she is quite close with both her cousins, Sirius and Regulus. She came back from winter break just today telling me that she had to stay at her aunts for half the break. The reason being, that she had played quiditch this term and her parents discovered that fact. She has better days, but I believe she is doing alright. Don't fret, she has many eyes watching over her. She is okay, I hope this settles nerves for both parties.

Your old friend,

                               Newt Scammander


Hi guys, don't worry I update again tonight

I'm updating a lot lately I realize, I hope it's not annoying how random my updates are, it's just I always have homework and stuff. I just get urges to write  at random times so.. I hope you guys don't mind.

I want to know if listening to music while writing is normal cause I was told it was idk

I have to go to school school tomorrow :/

not excited

I really truly hope you guys are having or had a good day

Have  agood rest of your day/night


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