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Dorea where are you? I had the owl just bring this back, where are you. I'll come get you. You can stay with Ted and I. Respond as quickly as you can. Bear there's still hope, I'll get you out of there. I promise. 

your sister,


The first letter read, but Dorea barely scanned it as she eagerly ripped open the second letters envelope.

Hello Dorea,

What am i even supposed to write? This is stupid. i don't even know if you'll get this. I hope you do. I heard from my mother that you were taken home. I hope you're alright. I don't really know what to say but I suppose this is a test, if you respond then I'll know you're alive and not laying 6 feet under. Don't be stupid.


She blushed like a love struck schoolgirl. She smiled so cheesy and ran to her desk to write back. All of it was rushed out when she heard the door open and her mother poke her head into her stuffy room.

"Open a window in here it's so hot." She spoke almost stalling. This was strange behavior from her.

"it wouldn't be if-"

"none of that Dorea. You will put on something more suitable and head down to the parlor as quickly as you must. We will be headed out."

"where are we going?"

"Yous tay quiet or the consequences will be worse." 

"Mother what has happened"

"this is for your own good" she approached Dorea's still blushed face and rested a hand on her knee. It was almost affectionate. "just play this right and you'll be okay. Dorea listen, I lived through 26 years of marriage with your father. I loved him. Wouldn't you rather spend your life with someone you love rather than sacrifice that for a silly childlike dream?"

"Mother wheres this coming from?"

"my heart." she stood up and her almost loving face fell to her normal cold look. "now non of this nonsense, get dressed and hurry to the parlor we're not to be late" she rushed out without another word leaving dorea dumbstruck. Two minutes ago she got a letter from the girl she really liked and then her mother wasn't horrible to her. What a day!

She did as her mother said putting on her normal black skirt and button up top, sometimes she felt like an avatar on those muggle arcade games, or those maniquins that sit in the glass windows day after day. She shook the thought out of her head, and rushed down the stares with an almost smile. She was just in a really good mood.

"good, we're off." her mother spoke before she reached the bottom step and hooked her arm with Dorea's aparating.


The drawing room in grimauld place was never a pleasant place to be. It was often a place where his mother would take Regulus to remind him of his family and the stakes. To remind him he';s always cornered. It's a stuffy room with only a single window. It had two couches that were falling apart.

Regulus didn't really like to be in the room, but he didn't mind it this time considering his previous extensive stay in his room. He sat paitently in the very uncomfortable humid room as he waited for his mother to return from the front doors. She was greeting people. he wondered how many people were there.

Regulus had grown a lot over the month of summer. Yeah he'd been locked up in his stupid room for almost a whole month. he wondered how Dorea was. His hair was a mess, but he looked older. he wondered if everyone else did to.

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