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Dorea walked onto the Hogwarts express, she was rather tired and very late onto the train. All the compartments seemed full. She was wearing a hoodie to hide her left hand which had become infected and hurt more and more every minute.

It stung when she moved it so it sat lifeless in her pocket. She spotted Amos in a compartment beside Lila. She quietly slipped in as the train started to move.

"I hope you all aren't mad at me by the way I left before..I really am sorry" She spoke quickly sitting down.

"we're not mad we're just a bit worried" Amos responded, as he was sitting beside her he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"don't be-" she yawned "I'm fine" she then leaned into Amos and shut her eyes.

"Dorea it's two in the afternoon why are you so tired" Lila piped up

"no..reason" she lied and fell quickly asleep on Amos' shoulder.

The truth was she hadn't been able to sleep very well the past few days. Narcissa seemed..distant. She was clearly annoyed with Dorea about their fight. But Dorea had said some awful things about the one she 'loved' or the one she loved the thought of loving.

And her hand, and other injuries hurt like shit. Everything just seemed so exhausting. She had big bags under her eyes and she was wearing big clothes to hide her remaining cuts and bruises.

"Rea?" A voice called and her eyes fluttered open.

"the train just stopped we're here" Lila spoke and Amos seemed to have left already. Dorea quickly grabbed her trunk and struggled through her exhaution. She just had to make it to the castle and then she could go to the hospital wing.

But it never was that easy was it?

"PUFF!!" James' voice yelled as she stepped off the train. She walked over, her left hand in her pocket hiding her bloody bandages. Sirius, Remus, and Peter were all there as well.

"how was your break?" Remus asked her noticing the tired look on her face

"it was alright" she said

"hm you look tired" James said

"yup, my nap was cut short on the train" she muttered wanting to leave. Sirius eyed the girl, did her hand heal? Or was it still slowly bleeding out.

He smiled at his friends then walked over to Dorea he turned her around and they walked to a place out of view. He then grabbed her left arm and she flinched. He looked at her for a moment before continuing. She seemed to tense a little more every second. He pulled her hand out of her pocket and quickly unwrapped the blood stained bandages and gasped when he saw the horrid sight. The stitches were all infected and scabbed.

"Puff, we need to get you to the castle" he didn't even notice the few small tears falling from her face as he touched the cut. He hugged her quick then rewrapped the cut and they sped off to a carriage. The mauraders followed.

"hey hey what's wrong?" James asked and Sirius pulled Dorea's hand out.

"what the-" Peter started

"what happened?" Remus asked

"I..fell" it was the half truth. Remus eyed her suspiciously but dropped it.

"and the cuts infected" Sirius finished quickly

"did your fam-" James started

"no." Dorea quickly responded wincing as she placed her hand back in her pocket.

The got to the castle and Dorea got off the carriage quickly walking up to the school losing the mauraders in the crowd. She sped off for the hospital wing but ran face first into McGonagle.

"deary me" she muttered turning around

"sorry proffesor"

"where are you headed Mrs. Black?" 

"uh rest room" she lied

"..sure" Mcgonagle muttered looking at her funny

"no really see ya" Dorea said pulling a fake smile as she sped off and turned a corner.

She entered the empty hospital wing and saw Madam pomfrey in a corner. She was a very young woman, couldn't be older than 25.

"hello dear, something wrong?"

"yes." Dorea said quickly walking up to her and pulling out her hand. She quickly unwrapped the bandages. Madam Pomfrey breathed in quickly when she saw the infected wound.

"no questions." Dorea muttered looking down at her burning hand.

"alright dear but-"

"no. questions." Dore didn't mean it to sound as mean as it sounded but she couldn't help it, she needed help.

Madam Pomfrey quickly cleaned the wound and pulled the infected scabs off her hand as Dorea bit her tongue to help from crying. Madam Pomfrey quickly took out the embroidery thread while eyeing her suspiciously. She then grabbed some healing potion and had her drink it. The wound half healed and she restitched it so it would heal quicker.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Black but I'm going to have to tell-"


"yes but the severity of the wound and well, your circumstances-"

"my circumstances?"

"well it was already stitched. Dorea who stitched it?"

"my sister" she quickly lied. Pomfrey nodded.

"I'm sorry but it's protocol. "

Dorea looked at her pleading but she just shrugged

Dorea left the hospital wing and walked outside. She sat on a rock beside the black lake breathing slowly. She chucked different rocks into the lake and watched them splash.

"oh hello there" a deep voice spoke but it sounded sarcastic. "our little disapearing act" he taunted and Dorea turned to see Luscious.

"shut up bastard" she said under her breath and turned back to the lake.

"have something you want to tell me?" he asked

"yeah that you're a real bastard who's using my sister" she said not turning to meet his eyes.

"I'm not using Narcissa" he said annoyed and walked over to stand in front of Dorea but she reached for her wand

"good boys don't lie" she said and stood up holding her wand.

"good girls don't talk back" he 'retorted'.

"that's how a conversation works idiot. You talk and then I respond" She said very sarcatically meeting his eye.

"you have no idea what I could do to you" he said stepping forward glaring at her.

"oh you have no idea the things I could do to you" she responded with a smirk.

"you're just a little girl, a little dumb girl who can't defend herself" he said with a smirk. Dorea smiled sweetly throwing him off. She fiddled with her wand then kicked him where it hurts. She glared at him as he fell over.

"who's the little girl now?" she asked and walked up to the castle.

She knew she was 11 and he was 17 but still.

wolves-4 Bear-6

***********************************************************************************************The chapters lately have been kinda sucky but I'll work on it

Legit this chapter was so boring but whatever 

Today was Joe Biden's enaugeration so yay!

He seems pretty cool.

I had to get up early to watch it cause I live across the country from DC but it was worth it.


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