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The break past quickly. Lots of lonely silent nights full of tears. There was no other way to describe it. She was alone, depressed, and full of anxiety. She sat in an empty compartment in the very back of the Hogwarts express. She sat with her knees pressed to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She rested her head on top of them as she stared out of the unmoving trains window. 


The Mauraders had had a normal greeting, full of hugs and smiles, laughter and giggles until they asked Sirius about his break. he explained what had happened, James had already read the daily profit and known about it, Peter and Remus hadn't. They asked him about the funeral, and who came, how Dorea was.

Dorea to him just seemed like she was proccesing everything, though she seemed pretty bloody okay for someone who's dad had just died.

Remus listened to this and knew that Dorea hid her feelings well, for small amounts of time that is. They slowly moved away from the morbid topic after shooting down the idea of going to find her deciding they'd find her when they got to Hogwarts.

Sirius had his arm around Remus when he suddenly stood up.

"Moony where are you headed?" Sirius asked upset that his arm was cold now.

"Yeah Moons where you off to?" Peter added

"the restrooms" he said simply and slid open the door.

He didn't want them to see her when they were all jokey, he wanted her to know that they did care and that the Mauraders had thought of her. He knew that she probably was fragile and he didn't want them to accidentally tease her when she's at this point. Dorea had a very vast mood range, she could be happy one moment and angry the next, she was very moody.

Which some thought very annoying at times, but Sirius was like that too so he had grown used to it. Dorea was less of a drama queen more like Sirius' assistent ready to be dramatic when needed to be. Though he didn't think she was being dramatic on this, he knew this must be very painful.

He started his quest to find her by first entering the hufflepuff cabins, but to get there he had to go through the first year cabins. You see it was built so there was the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws in front then Hufflepuffs and Slytherins in back, but in between them was the first years. He peeked in the compartments smiling as he saw the eager first years meeting new friends and giggling about shared topics, he remembered the day he'd met the Mauraders, in one of these cabins.

But it came to an end and he slid open the Hufflepuff door. He traveled through the corridor before his arm was grabbed.

"Remus?" a boys voice called. Remus turned and there was a frantic looking Amos. "Remus did Dorea get on the train? We haven't seen her, what if her mother kept her back-"

"I'm sure she's somewhere here, I'm looking for her"

"but with her father dead maybe her mother-"

"most likely no, she's around here somewhere"

Amos nodded and Remus continued his search, but Amos just stood there watching him and eventually went back into his cabin, sitting beside Lila. the two of  them were very close. Dorea being the only one who knew of Lila's massive crush, Amos sat oblivious. But little did Lila know Amos' heart only beat for her. Both madly in love with each other, neither brave enough to tell each other.

Amos had turned down many girls in the past years, knowing one day he'd find the courage to ask lila. He often wondered one thing, he always thought he'd be in gryffindor, and there are rumors that the hat can see your future, what it the hat looked into his and saw this, the hat would know he wasn't brave enough and he chose Hufflepuff. That thought wasn't one he was fond of.

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