sixty nine

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Dorea tried to forget about seph. The bruises on her arms made it difficult to though. She was currently in potions class. She found it increasingly annoying that she had half her classes with slytherin and the other half with ravenclaw. Ravenclaw was nice but the slytherins? They were jerks.

Regulus still wouldn't even glance at her unless she was for sure not looking and he scowled when he caught her looking at him. She betrayed him. She lied to him. She left him. He felt selfish for thinking these things but he felt hurt that she broke their promise. She'd broken many of their promises and he'd let them slide every time. he was always nice to her, he always was there for her. Where was she when he needed her? Not just this time but all the times before.

Dorea was a self centered poser in his eyes.

They'd brewed amortentia with Slughorn that day. He'd taught it to the older years and decided it was good timing for them to. He'd passed it around and it was in the middle of the room.

Seph smelled it but instantly scrunched her nose in disgust. Seph stared at the cup until her partner ripped it from her hands and smelled it herself. Seph didn't laugh at their jokes anymore, she simply stared at the wall. A look of anger splayed across her face.

Regulus gripped it and sniffed. he scrunched his nose but a small smile hung on his lips. Old books, coffee, and fresh rain had passed through the air. Regulus didn't scowl when he passed it back to Dorea's partner but he didn't smile at her either. he couldn't be bothered with his family when he just found out there's someone out there for him.

"here." Lila passed Dorea the cup. Lila and Dorea hadn't exactly become friends again, they really weren't anything but desk mates. They were nice to each other, that was the extent of their relationship though Dorea missed having a best friend.

Dorea took the cup and stared down at its colored contents. She smelled the air and her borws knitted together. She smelled dust and cigarettes, and strangely enough daisies. Dorea searched her brain for someone who fitted that but no one came to mind. She sighed and passed it back.


The late spring days began to run short and Dorea knew she only had a few days before summer break. She wasn't ready to make it official she was gone from the family. Getting off the train with sirius and going to the potters especially after that letter.

Dorea carried Darling down the long halls late at night. She thought over the events of the day, James slipping on a muffin wrapper at breakfast, Herbology's lesson on edible plants, and the amortentia. The darkened halls lit up with the open windows as she passed through a hall. The stars poked through the black cloth as if they'd been embroidered there.

Darling asleep in her arms waved her tail as she walked.

Dust, cigarettes, and daisies.

Who fit that?

She didn't know if anyone did, she just knew that amortentia made the participant smell what they're attracted to. its rumored to bring together soul mates. Maybe Dorea didn't have a soul mate.

She stopped at a large window and stood on the bottom rail of the railing. she leaned out and rested her arms on the top. She saw the north star, and just left of it was Dorealius. She directed her vision of the north star and pressed her fingertips together. Darling stired but Dorea paid no mind.

"please please please let me have a love? I understand I'm not perfect, and I have many faults but please don't let my family find me, I'm happy for once and i want to remain happy. I want a life that isn't dead set on marriage to a boy I don't love and a cult full of deranged serial killers. I want to marry for love not wealth. Let me have a heart, let me love; please" she begged, she breathed out and let her warm air float above the wind with her pleaded words. Hoping her wish would come true. She knew wishing on stars was childish but she watched a movie with James over break and the little girl wished on the north star and it came true.

Dorea in all honesty was running out of options, she was very anxious about the letter she recieved but she pushed that to the back of her mind. She ignored the problem because she didn't want to make more. She could either let whatever plays out play out, she could tell someone, or she could just go home. She wouldn't go home.

Darling's head shot up just as Dorea's did, footsteps and quick opnes. Dorea's feet moved fast as she heard snickering from slytherins specifically Sephs laugh. The two head students were laughing and running about the halls. Dorea would not be caught by two slytherins one of which hated her at a time like this. When no one was awake to help her. Dorea was in no way strong, and especially not strong enough to overpower two slytherin 5th years who had wands on them.

Darling lept from her arms as the laughing stopped and the two heads realized there was another pair of feet running from them. They picked up pace but dorea did the same, she slid on the stone floors and ran to the closest place she could find cover.

The room of requirement.

Dorea stood in front of the unicorn painting anxiously tapping her foot before a door quickly appeared, she rushed in and only when she shut the door did she hear the other people in there. two girls in the way back. Two girls she knew. marlene and Dorcas. Marlene was straddled over Dorcas and the two were pressed against each other. Marlene looked up to see a staring Dorea.

She threw a nasty look and a vulgar gesture and Dorea got the hint. She rushed from the room, embarrased she'd stumbled upon them. She'd never seen two girls together; together ;like that. She blushed at the thought and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Darling was no where to be seen.

Darling was in fact still in the room of requirement. There was no way Dorea was going back in there, so she promised to come back in the morning and she ran to the dungeons.


I hope your guys' day has been good

can you believe its the middle of July? 

Black widow was so good; deffinetly my favorite marvel movie.. what are yours?

have a nice day/night


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