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When Sirius and Regulus got home that day everything came as normal, the normal yellings and beatings. The usual stomping up the stairs. The normal silence of the house. Two days passed. Nothing happened, everything seemed normal until December 23rd they were called down to breakfast.

The family sat spread out on the long table, Regulus diagnal from Sirius, and their mother and father sitting on either end. Walburga hadn't spoken much to the kids the entire time they were home, which was fine just unusual, they usual heard many scolds from her but no, all from father.

"we're going out today" Orion spoke in his booming voice "you are expected to look nice, in all black."

"all black, father did someone die?" Regulus asked in a small voice


"who father?" Regulus asked

Sirius just sat where he was picking at his food guessing it was someone he didn't care about, he didn't really like his second cousins, or his great aunts or anyone really.

"your uncle, Cygnus he died on the 20th of December 7 am in his sleep." Orion said his face unfaltering.

Sirius and Regulus' minds worked at the same speed thinking the same general thoguhts.

Cygnus is mothers brother, Cygnus was Bellatrix, Narcissa and Dorea's father.

Sirius' eyes widened, as well as Regulus'.

"you both are expected to be calm, do not make a scene, we will be leaving at 7"


Sirius wore a black suit with a chain hanging out of the pocket. Regulus wore a suit as well, Walburga wore her nicest black dress, and Orion wore a suit.

Dorea wore basically the same thing she wore the days prior, a black button down and a black skirt, knee high black socks and flats. It looked the nicest and they wanted to look nice for their fathers funeral.

Dorea still hadn't accepted that her father was dead. It consumed her thoughts. Whenever she shut her eyes, his lifeless body came into view. It haunted her in every way.

The family left in silence and arrived in a thick silence. Orion's family soon arrived, then Alphard's. Alphard was Cygnus' brother, he practically had all of the Black savings so everyone sucked up to him. It was sort of embarrasing.

Alphard arrived, along with the cousins. Only immediet family was invited. They stood in silence around the grave, the empty hole in the ground. Dorea looked down trying to hold in tears ready to burst. Sirius stared at her, from what he could see of her face she hadn't slept.

The scar on her face was highlighted from the redness in her cheeks and she rubbed her right thumb absentmindedly along her left hands scar. She really looked depressed, worse than he would imagine but her father had died. How was she supposed to act.

She looked up after a moment and looked eyes with him. Though her eyes drifted away from his and back to the empty grave. There was no speakigs, no one talked about his life or his death. he would be put in the ground, with no proof he ever lived or died except his gravestone and his four children.

The cascet was lowered and Dorea fought back her tears. She bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. She pressed her thumb nail into her scar and was ready to sob. But she held it together. Regulus watched his best friend hold herself together, knowing it would only be so long before the heart broken hufflepuff would burst. He watched as the cascet thumped into the ground and the grave diggers slowly covered up the beautiful mahogany cascet that held what was Cygnus Black.

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