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Dear Andie,

I ran. I ran in the dark and the cold but I'm safe now. I did it, I'm free. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you, and I'm sorry I haven't written. I'm staying with the Potters. I don't know if you know them. They're kind, and loving, and everything I ever wanted. They have a home that's always warm, and the fireplace is always going. They've got light, the walls are brick and white. The floors are light oak wood. Mia makes cookies and hot chocolate and Fleamont has this laugh that can turn anyone happy in an instant. They're magnetic, just perfect people.

I think I'm happy. I think for the first time I'm really happy. I'm away from mom and walburga. I feel regret though. It fallows me around like a dog on a leash. Its obedient; I can forget about it for hours but then in the dark it all comes crashing down. The walls I've built over the days are steel and yet they fall down the instant I'm alone and its quiet and dark. I feel regret for leaving Regulus, I promised him I wouldn't. I pro0mised him I'd stay until we were both ready and yet the moment I felt the need to run I did. I didn't think about Reggie, i didn't think about Cissa or Bella i just ran.

I've never run so hard in my life, I ran until my legs gave out on the icy porch of the potters brick house. I didn't know I had the strength to run so fast. I know regulus is upset with me, but I can't go back. Not now at least. A couple ago maybe, but I got a letter it'd be more trouble than its worth to go back. I thought about myself, who i am for the first time. I don't know. I don't know who i am outside the Black family but I wanna figure it out. I want to be someone that people can see past my last name and just see me. Just see dorea.

My guilt and regret i can overlook, my happiness i cannot. I will not sacrio9fice my happiness, mt light to go back into the dark. I won't sacrifice the first few weeks I've actually felt something good, that's lasted. Andie you've run, did you feel guilt? Didi you miss us even though we were still part of that evil family? Am I alowed to still love them; even though they're still trapped?

Can there a world where everyone is happy just as I am? can there be a world where there's light and good. Can there just be a world full of love, not hate and sacrifice. One day light will shine upon that family again. But until then, lets celebrate being the two black sisters who got out. hey maybe you could make some cookies.

your sister,


Dorea wrote that letter for hours, revising it, perfecting it. She wanted her first letter out into the world to be perfect, because her name would be on the back. She was free to write to whoever she wanted. So for the first time she wrote a return adress, that was hers. She wrote her name on the envelope and tied it around the most beautiful snowy owl. But instead of freeing the owl from the astronomy tower she walked a waze with it on her shoulder. She walked to a bridge, with open railings and a beautiful sight of the mountains and the castle. Remus came up here a lot, she figured she might too.

"you don't understand what importance this letter holds to me" she muttered to the owl as she tied the letter to its ankle "its my first letter as a free girl." she smiled at the snowy owl, it stared back at her "make sure this makes it to miss Andromeda Tonks, with no delay" Dorea said smiling as the owl flew into the heavens. As it soared through the clouds and over the tree tops.

she was as free as that owl.

her wings had mended from their clippings and she could fly.

"talking to owls now Black?" a voice called rudely from down the bridge ruining her little moment and tearing her gaze from the graceful owl. "I don't know if I'd expect anything better from you" Seph called with that mischeivious smirk. A smirk of true distaste. But her eyes told a different story.

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