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Dorea eventually left the kitchen and wandered around, she fell upon the drawing room. It's wall paper had the black family tree. Dorea traced her fingers over the vines but stopped, rubbing her finger over the scorched black that sat above the name 'Andromeda Tonks' you see it was enchanted to keep up with the lives of the blood within it. Andromeda was a Tonks now.

A slight thought wandered it's way into her head if her picture would ever look like that. Scorched and disgraced, would any of the family she knew now look like that in the future?

She cringed as she saw her picture, it looked sort of like her but it was the old fashioned style of drawing.

"ha you should see mine" Regulus' voice rang in the room. She looked over to him and smiled discarding the previous thoughts she had about being disowned. Regulus would never be disowned he was perfect in every single way.

"no one ever really did tell me what happened to Andie, guess I never asked" he stated but it sounded like a question.

"Andie fell in love with a Hufflepuff boy, he happened to be a muggle born and our family didn't like that. She kept it secret for a while but when she graduated from Hogwarts and found out she was pregnant she couldn't hide it anymore. She was disowned and she left" she quickly explained

"oh is she ok now?"

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her since she left which would be two years now making her daughter around 2 I wanna meet her so bad"

"I miss her a bit"

"I miss her a lot"


"I'm surprised" she said loudly as they stood in the entrance hall of their house.

"Dorea, Narcissa upstairs. the adults need to talk." Cygnus said and the two left. Narcissa was giggling. Cissy lit the fire in their common room and the two sat on opposite ends of the poofy couch.

She started to smirk at Dorea and raise her eyebrows. "you and Regulusss" she mocked.


"what?" Cissy clearly was not expecting that response.

"he's our cousin and my best friend. just. ew."

"you two look cute together" Cissy continued,

"no joke I'm gonna throw up" Dorea spoke in literal disgust

"no you're not. You like him!" Cissy giggled but Dorea just sat there looking like she wanted to shove her face in the fire.

"He's our cousin"


"the fact that you don't think that's a little gross is concerning" Dorea continued having no clue where the sudden bursts of confidence comes from; its happened quite a lot lately.

"it's not gross dear, it's adorable you're hiding your feelings for him"

"You couldn't be more wrong. I'm gonna chuck myself out the window if this conversation continues" she said still looking disgusted at the thought of anything romantic happening between her and Regulus.

"no no really you two are so cute together" 

Dorea began to stand up but Narcissa pushed her back down.

"I wasn't kidding, I'm gonna throw myself out the window."

"no you're not Dorea this isn't a gross topic" Dorea felt like she was going to explode with disgust.

"Imagine Sirius kissing you" Dorea said straight faced

"eww Rea"

"HA see you only think it's not gross when it doesn't happen to yourself."

"no, it's just I like Luscious"

"I'm gonna die" Dorea muttered, it's not like it was new news but hearing it made everything worse. "I'm actually gonna die, pull the trigger right now"

"it's not that bad Rea"

"yes it is, he's viscious and dangerous. He likes picking on people and his stupid friends are blood supremisists just like himself."

"HE IS NOT." She screamed in defense "he is a sweet boy who's just in the wrong friend group."

"He's the leader of that friend group. and I've never seen him be 'sweet'"

"he's so hansom and charming. He's also a pure blood so that helps-"

"oh my gosh." Dorea muttered exhasperated. "he's a pure blood, so that makes all his flaws disapear? He's a pure blood so that makes it ok to bully people. He's a pure blood so he's automatically a king"

"You wouldn't get it-"

"face it Cissa you're being naive, he's acting so kind and sweet to you because he wants you to fall for him just like every other slytherin. He wants to have a pretty, sweet, and talented girl who will sit at home and take care of his children. Oh yeah your wedding will be so beautiful and magical and you two are really 'in love' but he'll get bored of you in a few years. He just needs a perfect little wife to sit on his shelf next to all of his other trophies so he can pick them up off the shelf at the right moment and display them. HE'S USING YOU." She said her eyes not breaking the contact with Cissa's.

"you're wrong, you don't know him the way I do"

"sure I'm wrong but when that happens in 10 years, don't say I didn't warn you"

"AND YOU REALLY THINK YOU'LL BE AROUND TO SEE IT IN TEN YEARS?" Narcissa screamed and Dorea's face broke. Dorea's eyes clouded over in defense hiding whatever feeling she was expeirencing, Narcissa couldn't tell if it was anger or sadness. Her lips formed a line and her eye brows furrowed.

Dorea wanted to cry, she wanted to scream but she didn't. Instead she just stood up avoiding eye contact with Narcissa. She walked around the couch and then when she was at her door she looked to Narcissa who looked upset with herself, like she had just said something she shouldn't have. But it was clear she had been thinking it for a long time.

"I'm going to bed now. I'll make sure not to wake you from whatever gross dream you'll be having of Malfoy in the morning." and with that she stepped in her room and slammed the door. She slid her back down on the door not crying but just sitting there in her own self pitty.

She got up and sat at her vanity re wrapping her hand.

Dorea sat there thinking about what Narcissa meant.

She settled on the fact that Narcissa was basically saying that the world would keep spinning weather that includes Dorea or not doesn't matter, she'd still have her perfect pure blooded marriage to someone she's not related to and have this perfect little life with her nasty husband.


hey you guys!

And I thought I wouldn't update today haha

here we are, this isn't a great chapter either but I thought it was important to explain a bit more with Andie and Narcissa's love life.

They all have such interesting love lives

and here I stand

with a very very nonexistent one :(

whatever I get to write other peoples love lives for you guys so that's good enough

Hope you liked this chapter


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