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Dorea woke up as the sun hit her face. She groaned her entire body in pain. She looked down at her left hand and saw the bandages were still there. Then all the memories of the night before flooded in.

She reluctantly stood up and walked out of her room her legs still a bit shaky. She then quietly made her way down the stairs, grabbed her trunk and carried it back to her room. She then sat at her vanity. It was covered in dried blood still. She opened her trunk and pulled out the atlas.

She opened the book for the first time since Andie's absence without a photo. She pulled out the envelope it was buried under the poleroids. She noticed she never checked who it was addressed to. She flipped it over and saw the writing

'Dorea Belvina Black'

Then a date.

That date had passed, by many months. She looked at it confused but she carefully slid her finger under the wax.


It's been a while, by the time you're reading this it's been two years. I miss you with every inch of my heart my dear Dorea. Don't give up hope we'll see each other again. So this is dated to the day you go to Hogwarts. I bet you're mad at me for leaving and I have no clue what they told you so let me explain.

I fell in love with a boy named Ted Tonks, he's muggle born and a hufflepuff. We kept it secret since fifth year, but I got pregnant. Mother and Father found out are are kicking me out. Don't worry Ted's letting me stay with him until we can find a nice house away from here.

We're thinking of naming her Nyphadora but we don't know yet.

I love you so much and leaving you is the hardest thing

please don't give up

you're an amazing girl and no matter how tough it gets you can do it. I know you can, I love you Bear

-Andromeda Tonks

Dorea quickly folded the letter back up wiped a few tears and hid the book again. when she heard Narciss's quiet footsteps.

"Rea?" she called and Rea quickly brushed her hair to make it look nice and cover the blood stains.

"oh there you are." Narcissa smiled as she peaked in the room. "I don't know why Mother couldn't give this to you herself but she gave me this to give to you." Narcissa held out a piece of paper with a string on it. Dorea nodded and Narcissa walked away humming. It was around noon now and she was probably off to prepare for the ball.


You have been formally rejected from the house of Blacks beggining of winter ball. Do not attend or punishment will come soon after. We are not sorry for the inconvienience, the reason for this rejection being, your placement and your recent behavior.

Signed, Druella and Cygnus Black.

Honestly this was just petty but Dorea didn't care. She didn't like the stupid balls anyway they were to crowded and loud. She didn't like being around all those people who were stuck up and rude and she couldn't help but worry that it would be worse now. But no need to worry now she was fine.

She smiled at the paper and placed it in her book as a reminder of the first time she trully got to her parents. They wanted her to lay there all night, feel the pain but no. Dorea had gotten up despite their beliefs. She wasn't just some wimpy girl, she had proven she was strong. She had proven she was brave, just because she's a hufflepuff does not mean she's stupid or cowardly. Being in hufflepuff means being hard working, and trying again. It means to be loyal, and to be honest. It means to value your loved ones before others. Those are the traits of a hufflepuff despite the beliefs and steriotypes of it, we are not weak, we are not stupid, we are not just put there out of default.

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