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Despite the endless hours Dorea had spent as a kid staring at the night sky she'd never seen a shooting star. Despite the wishes she made on dandelions and on muggle pennies she never saw one. Luck was a strange thing in her head, yes dandelions and coins could grant wishes or bring luck but to insure your wish will come true you must find a shooting star.

Stars seemed to play a main role in her life. The girl sat at the top of the astronomy tower silently begging to just see one. She swung her legs off the side of the building resting her chin on one of the cold railings. The fall air blew excessively and sideways rain fell from the cloudy sky. Some part of her knew she'd never see one in this weather. She could only see some stars occasionally when the wind blew the clouds away.

Despite the rain it felt quiet on the tower, it was still. No sound came from her cover. The children of hogwarts lay quietly in their beds as she waited for her star to shine. She'd been through dark times, she'd seen cruel things, and even expierienced soem and still the young girl only wished to see a star streak across the sky. One single moment to make up for the years of cruelty placed upon her by the universe.

But why was she worth the stars time? What n=made her worthy of a wish? She joined a bloody cult, a world of torture and prejudice. Since she had joined that meant all the blood they had shed was dumped on her hands. She was no longer innocent, she was guilty. Though she'd never killed she stood beside killers.

She felt as though her hands were stained red for all to see, she felt as though her heart had been carved out and her head was filled with cotton. She felt broken and shattered and fragile, when she needed to apear whole, and strong, and sure. The sun had shone for the whole month she'd been at hogwarts which was surprising for it usually rained. The sun taunted her as if forgetting all it had stolen from her.

She felt unworthy of the yellow she wore. She felt unworthy of the love people gave her.

She had people surrounding her, she had peopel who cared for her but you can only accept the amount of love you believe you deserve.

She sat on the tower glaring at the glittering stars. She had never felt so alone. The stars hung low in the sky as if she'd been one of them. Everyone in her family was represented by the night sky, but she'd never felt at one with her star. Now on this quiet night, she finally understood the girl from the story. Why she went wandering, why she decided to smell the flowers and forget the danger underneathe. She'd went out and smelled the roses, she'd felt freedom but the thorns caught up to her quick. And soon enough her own blood would spill onto the ground. And the stars would never shine again.

Everyone would be better off without me

No one would remember me if i were to just fall right now

If  I ever get in trouble with the dark lord he'll pick off my friends one by one.

starting with seph.

if she hates me, she won't get hurt.

if  she loved me, she'll die.

but I need her.

If only things had gone differently.

But no one can change the past, this is the story I am to tell. No matter how much I wish I could change the time line.

This was never supposed to be a fairy tale, I hope you didn't get to attached.


Numbness, emotionless, empty.

That's how she felt.

The only time she felt something was when Seph's lips were on hers, Seph could melt the frost, warm her heart.

She slowly pushed the mauraders away, after a few rude remarks they gladly left her alone. She didn't feel a thing. All she could feel was the gaping void. Her head was stuffed with cotton, her heart armored with rubies.

The incredibly selfless Dorea, was no longer as selfless as she used to be. Dorea knew the right thing to do would be to break up with Seph, but she couldn't. Without Seph she would crumble deeper into the void. She'd fall from the stars and hit the ground extremely hard.

Nothing could pull Dorea away from, Seph.

She should've walked away, it'd save a lot of people the trouble. But her feet were cemented to the ground. She wasn't going anywhere. That is until she felt the piercing stab in her forearm.


hi i know its super short and I haven't updated in a while but I guess i'm back. I started school last week, that sucked.

Honestly I feel more alone at school than I do right now, when i'm sitting entirely alone in my room. I don't know how to feel about it


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