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Time flew by like cherry blossoms in the spring, Rea found herself laying in the grass beside her two best friends staring up at the sky. Amos and Lila all stared up giggling about the silly shapes. Rea silently listened and felt peaceful beside her friends.

It was only a few hours before she must see her parents. She had packed her small bag and couldn't say she was ready. Rea didn't bring a ton of things, the one thing that always found it's way into her bag each time she traveled to other places was her atlas book. Her book with the letter in the very same place it had been the day Andie handed it to her.

Out of respect and pure love for her sister Rea hadn't opened the book in the two years of Andie's absense. Well she had to place new photo's in it but the letter hadn't been touched it simply lay under the beautiful poleroids of the old cars.

It had made it's way into her bag when she came to Hogwarts and it would return back to her house in London.

"see that one looks like a bear!" Amos yelled and Rea giggled along with the other two. They were content in every way.

None of them knew that Lilly just happened to be standing there on a hill taking a picture. Why was she you might ask? Why is she just snapping photo's like a stalker, no ill will was intended. Lilly simply stumbled upon the giggling first years and thought to snap a photo, for safe keeping.


Rea stood there with her small trunk, she stood beside Lila and Amos all about to board to meet their families. James stood a ways away but had noticed he nervous tension in Sirius along with their mini maurader Puff.

"hey you ok Pads?" he asked and set a hand on Sirius' shoulder. Sirius nodded but his eyes did not tear from the train.

"is it your fa-"

"isn't it always Prongs?" Sirius interupted and hopped on the train without batting an eye lash.


The train ride was a long and anxious experience. Rea's thoughts kept traveling back to what her parents had wrote. 'we'll have a punishment set by Christmas' Rea couldn't help but shutter at the thought of the stabbing pain that was left from the certain spell.

"you ok Rea?" Amos asked quietly

"yeah just..excited to be at my house" she lied

"I don't know if I'd call that excitement Reals" Amos chimed in with the same concern

"no no I'm fine are you excited to be home Amos?" she asked

"Yeah! My parents just got new chickens and they're died blue from an accidental paint spill" he said giggling making the entire cabin burst out in laughter.

Rea had changed into a black skirt and white button down when she was back at hogwarts. She adjusted the skirt uncomfortably as she sat there.

"Rea are you-"

"yeah I'm ok are you?" she burst

"I- yes I'm fine" Amos said noticing how annoyed she sounded

"is it something with your fam-"

"no NO! I'm fine we're fine. We're all fine. Have a good break I'll see you in the spring" Rea said, she couldn't help the nerves she had and the overwhelming guilt she had after she had left the cabin. They probably hate her now. She had lashed out at them they most likely thought she was a brat now.

She walked off the train into the bustling platform. A hand landed on her shoulder. She looked up to see Cissy smiling at her. They both walked foward, they spotted Mother and Father. Father was in a dark black suit and their mother was wearing a firm pencil skirt and a black blouse. The two scowled at Rea and she coward under their stares.

"come girls." Their mother called and grabbed Cissa's hand with care and her Father squeezed her shoulder menacingly and with a pop they were back in the old fasioned house.

"go upstairs Narcissa" Cygnus told his daughter, Cissa smiled lightly at him an gave Rea a reassuring look and walked up the marble stairs.

"oh hello dear Rea" A sneer voice said from behind a door way.

"Bellatrix don't be shy come in" Druella called

"I am not shy mother" Bella spat, Bella turned her gaze to the small girl in front of her. She had firm braids in her hair , she was wearing a flowy black skirt that sat inches above her knee and her white button down was tucked in the first button had popped open.

"oh" Rea said and took a step back as Bellatrix smiled but her smile barely reached her eyes. Bella had never truelly known Dorea, she was an interesting creature. Always smiling or dancing around. She seemed fairly happy, but the second she was placed in that mud blooded house any friendship they had was torn down.

Her parents might keep her around but she is no longer family, mearly a stranger in the house, a blood traitor. Her parents could easily just, boot her. She was disposable they already had two succesful daughters. Bella married and Cissa dating another pure blood.

But after Andromeda's..slip up they couldn't just trash her just yet. Andie had to know the impact she laid on the family when she left. She needed to understand the things she threw away. They knew how much Andromeda loved Dorea, they needed revenge on their second girl.

Druella snaked away from her husband and walked to Bella creeping an arm on to her backa nd Bella smiled maliciously at the girl.

"Dorea you messed up my dear. You've been a very bad girl." Bellatrix muttered tauntingly

"Dorea darling do you know what happens to little girls who disgrace their family's?" she asked

"You do know what happened to dear old Andie..we wouldn't want that to happen to you" Rea took a step back and hit the wall with he back she gulped. Bella sped over to her and pinned her.

"you do know what heppens to blood traitors don't you Dorea or are you to idiotic to understand"


"do not interupt Dorea, so rude" Bellatrix took a step back and grabbed her wand placing a finger on the tip. She looked up as if thinking and then removed her finger smiling.



:( I want to cry

scratch that I am crying

baby rea D:

-sad Caroline

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