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dear, Dorea

Hello, I've missed you most! I love you so much. Keep fighting, don't let anyone tell you other wise. I know how hard it gets, I know how dark of a place you're in but trust me, fighting is worth it. Fighting is worth every ounce of pain it brings you. It's worth it darling. You are the brightest, most talented, girl I've met. Don't feel bad for being in Hufflepuff, in Ted's opinion it's the best one. Oh I can't wait until I see you! Just a little longer Dorea, just a little longer, you've got this.


reading those words Dorea had two options and she subconciously already chose one. She could either disreguard everything Andie had just written or she  could do just that, fight until her last breath.

You already know which one she chose don't you.

She wasn't about to let them kill her, she would get out of this first. She wasn't going to drown, she was going to fight until her last drop of oxygen leaves her heart into her muscles.

Dorea read this while at the Hufflepuff table beside Lila and Amos. She stood up and walked over to the very grown up Sirius, he was in his fifth year. Remus looked grown up too, as well as James but peter, gotta be honest still looked like an anxious 2nd year.

"hi" she beamed at Sirius and the mauraders.

"hey puff" they chorused

"you're back to normal" James whispered to Remus

"anyway Sirius I wanted you to read this, but then give it back please" she slipped the envelope into his pocket and wandered off, cheerfully. She was happy, it felt like forever ago when she was last really happy. Lila had gotten her spot on the quiditch team and was happier than ever, and Amos had gotten seeker. Dorea was happy to announce she got a spot as the announcer.

Her classes felt shorter and her free time felt longer. She was finally happy. She went to care of magical creatures beaming each day, fighting back a little every day, since she had began taking muggle studies. Muggle studies was actually very interesting, did you know they do everything with their bare hands!? Did Remus and Peter live like these people before hogwarts? Do they still?

Dorea skipped off to the room of requirement after classes and brought Lila and Amos along. Both of them repeatedly asking where they were off to. When she stood before the big wall, a door appeared quickly and they all walked in. It was a nice cozy little space with a fire place and a few couches. They sat down.

"okay isn't this the coolest" Lila beamed

"I know right Lils!!"

"wait so this has been here the entire time?" Amos asked dubious



"so diggory how are those admirers treating you?" Dorea giggled

Amos had grown farely popular over the past years, I mean he is very hansome and charming for a thirteen year old.

Lila blushed and it was not missed by Amos who blushed as well. Dorea snorted quietly at her two friends.

"th-they're fine"

"sure Amos, any of them catch your eye?"

"n-no.. none"

"oh some one else then?"

"no..well- yes- NO"

"very convincing" Dorea laughed

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