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Dorea avoided everyone after that, and if she had to be in the same room with someone she'd remain distant and wouldn't make eye contact. She was some what still mouring for Bella and Bellatrix's constant chattering was annoying. She'd never found her family annoying but everything had changed.

She started meeting up with newt every so often and she explored the woods more along side darling. She hadn't seen the murauders since the incident and despite their letters she didn't write back. She felt embarrassed for throwing the worlds worst tantrum resulting in yet another scar being formed on her body. Her hand was plenty a reminder to her. But now everyone had a reminder or who she was?

Months had past of her not even opening the murauders letters, guilt spread through her veins for making them worry. They shouldn't have to worry about her. It was her problem not theirs, and they already had their own problems. She didn't want to be a fuss but never the less the letters continued to come in, the various different owls tapping on her window almost each week. There were three, the potters owl Jitters, The Blacks owl Bernard, and Remus who was borrowing an owl from lilly (they live close) Lilly's owl is Hannah.

Dorea kept each letter in a droor in her desk, she had no wish of opening them, she didn't want their pitty. Dor

But no matter how much she runs away from her problems they always find a way of catching up to her. This was because the Summer ball is coming up. How splendid? It gets even better. It's being held at the malfoy's house.

Dorea sighed as she lay face down on her bed. Darling was in her closet due to the fact that her entire family was home.

"Bear..?" a voice came from the door and Dorea looked up to see a dolled up Narcissa. Cissa sighed and walked over to Dorea she then pulled her up.  "you really do have to get ready"

"I now but.. whats the point?" she sighed as Narcissa began braiding her curly hair into neat braids that were sure to get ruffled and loose soon enough.

After twenty minutes Dorea was down stairs, it was early in the afternoon, only two. She was dressed up in a loose white summer dress and black flats, she really didn't care for her cloths at the moment, she was planning an escape plan for the second she enters Malfoy mannor. Sirius would be livid that she hadn't responded to any of his owls, and there was no question Luscious would either be to interested in her sister, or he would make fun of her scar.

She was already plenty self concious.

Dorea's braid (as she suspected) was no loose, and hung on one of her shoulders, it was held together by a light yellow bow. Her mother and Father rushed from their bedrooms (perfect looking) and grabbed onto each daughters shoulders. Then they were squeezed and twisted and bonked but soon enough, they arrived at the large mannor.

"Druella, Cygnus, welcome!" a voice none other than Mrs. Malfoy called. Dorea stayed behind both her older sisters as they walked in, she kept her head low. She hid her face to the best of her ability with out looking to suspiscious. She saw people in the court yard and internally groaned when her family drug her out to greet them.

Her parents had been odd the past few weeks. They were almost pleased with themselves that they drove Dorea into madness that night. That they convinced Bellatrix to get the mark, and that it broke Dorea. Dorea had been quieter, behaved better, and didn't bother them as much so they were very pleased with the outcome of a scar. They just told people that she got in between some dog fight. 

Dorea how ever did not feel that way. She had been quieter because she couldn't stand the fact that this was her family, she couldn't stand the fact that she had loved these people once and she still did. She had 'behaved more' because she didn't want them to talk to her. She didn't want anything to do with them, she kept her distance as much as possible. And she hadn't been bothering them because she'd been outside, doing other things or helping newt with his studies, Newt even let her read some of his non published book, she learned some amazing things. And she had not bothered them because she didn't want them to become suspicious of her, Darling was the only thing she had left, her pride and her joy, she needed Darling. She wouldn't be able to handle the loss of poor Darling, after all, Darling was the best thing to ever happen to her. Darling, the gift from Dumbledore, who would've thought he'd do something like that for a girl like her?

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