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I hurt people. 

I was self centered.

I was the monster in the closet.

I did this to myself, I did this to others.

I am tired of being the damsel in distress. I am a strong person who will make this right. I made a dark choice, but it's never to late to find the light. I can find the light.


5th year flashed by and Dorea found herself on the train yet again. There hadn't been another meeting surprisingly. Dorea had spent the months in the library researching dark magic, researching dark bloodlines. She learned curses, and protection spells. All while ignoring the fact that every maurader hated her. For good reason.

An anger was growing deep within her. A rage that had always been there but she'd never given it room to grow. A feeling that was rooted in false happiness. It stemmed from her childhood, her laughter, her happiness, it was all a lie. She was living in a murder house and no one told her, she was living in a ahunted mansion, with blood spilling from the walls.

She was driven by memories and hopes. She had boiled over and spilled onto the floor when Sirius had left her in that hall. And the only thing holding her together was her anger, and her hurt. She studied for newts and she studied the darkness.

The train was a pleasant adventure. She sat in a compartment by herself, the sun was filling the cabin and for that quiet moment she let it fill her, she let it almost patch herself together and then a certain memory took its place.

It was December and her sisters had just come home, the four of them were all sat in one of the sitting rooms. Narcissa was doing Andromeda's hair. They were preparing for the Christmas party their family was throwing later that night. The sun had almost set and guests were about to arrive.

"Did you hear Mr. Riddle is coming to our party!" Narcissa squealed.

"who's Mr. Riddle?" a young Dorea asked she was about 5 or 6. Her hair was braided neatly and she was in an adorable poofy dress that bellatrix had picked out.

"He's a ministry official Sunny" Bella spoke looking up from her book.

"He's the most handsome man I've ever seen" Narcissa gushed

"somethings off about him, I saw him at Diagon Alley and he was talking to some creepy guy" Andie grimaced.

"He sounds nice" Dorea smiled not really caring.

"No Dorea, you stay away from him sweet heart, he has other people to talk to, he doesn't want to talk to some kid" bella hissed.

"oh." was all Dorea could say before Bellatrix stood up and grabbed her hand.

"come along it's time to greet the guests"

They walked down the stairs and saw a small group of early arrivals. One being a tall brown haired man who had his eye on Cygnus. His smile made him seem almost approachable.

Riddle turned when he heard the girls walking down the stairs. His eye went to Bellatrix at first, she was giving him an unreadbale look. Riddle scanned the girls, the girl with dark black hair was clearly the oldest, the protector, then there was a younger girl with blonder hair who was batting her eyes at him and was smiling a fake smile, the girl in the back was a brunette who looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here, the last one his eyes met was clearly the youngest, she was holding the oldests hands and looked gittery and energetic like she could run a marathon that same minute. He watched as she scanned the area and crained her head to look up at him. She smiled seeing that he noticed her.

Dorea pulled away from Bella who was now glaring at Tom. Dorea ran up to him and held out her hand.

"I'm Dorea" she said proudly, he smirked and took her hand shaking it.

"I'm Tom"

"That's a nice name" she smiled pulling her hand away, the door opened and Sirius walked in acting like he was the shit. Regulus followed closely behind looking around. Dorea turned her attention from the tall man to her friend. She hurried over to Regulus grabbed his hand and the two ran off giggling.

Tom watched as the two dissapeared down the hall. he knew he had an aura that was dark and children usually picked up on it. He concealed it with smiles but children are more empathic than adults. Children shied away from tom but, Dorea seemed to either not care or not notice. 

Ever since Dorea always went up to Tom whenever she'd see him,

"Hi Tom"

"Hello Dorea"

of course she had no idea who he was, she just knew him as Tom. She didn't know he was the mysterious Mr. riddle Cissa used to fancy.

There was never anything more than a hello until months and months after this incident she went up to him at a party

"Hi Tom" she said a year later.

"Hello Dorea"

"Dorea!" Andromeda stormed over "don't bother Mr.Riddle, he's busy" she spoke loudly. Agreeing with Bella that she should stay as far away from the man.

"no that's not mr. riddle that's Tom!" she countered.

"Tom is Mr. Riddle sunshine"

"oh, my sister Bella told me to stay away from you" she blurted mindlessly.

"Dorea!" Andromeda hushed.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Riddle we'll get out of your hair Andromeda grabbed Dorea and pulled her away.

When they were in a private area Andromeda sat down with dorea.

"Dorea mr. riddle is a bad man"


"Mr. Riddle is dangerous and I want you to stay away from him"

Mr. Riddle was brought into conversations often at the Black house, he was idolized by their parents, the daughters seemed unsure.

"what did tom do to be bad?"

"Dory he hurt people, and he   makes people do bad things for him and if you talk to him again he's gonna make you do   bad things for him"

"I don't wanna be bad"

"I know sweety, so just stay as far away from him as you can" Andie smiled.

Dorea never went up to him again, she always stuck to regulus' side and she never gave him a second glace. As she grew older she learned how bad he was.

"Tom Riddle is a murderer and he turned mommy and daddy into murderers." Andromeda told her once. Harsh thing to tell a little kid.

But one thing was for sure. Tom Riddle was the enemy, and to defeat him she had to play the part he wanted her to be.

She had to act like a death eater.

she had to stop being a coward and finally do something helpful. Something important.

She would kill the Dark Lord.


It's been so long.

Sorry it took me a million years to update lol

Have a good day/night


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