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She was happy.

She was happy. Really happy. She unfroze in front of the fire, as she sat beside Sirius and James. They never asked her what had happened or what had led up to her leaving and she just imagined like nothing had. Like she had simply found her head and escaped. She didn't want to think about Bella or her mother all she wanted was to be here with them.

She was safe. Truly safe. She was safe between james and Sirius, Bella couldn't hurt her here. She laughed at their jokes and made some of her own. She felt overwhelming amounts of relief as she sat on this couch far away from her sisters. She finally understood Sirius, because he'd always seen this vision of home and safety. She'd never let herself dream that far.

She was home. Home at the Potters charming household. She was home in the cozy living room cuddled up with a mug of hot cocoa and people who loved her. She was accepted in her home, she was safe in her home, she was happy.

Fleamont and Mia were so kind. They seemed to care for her like a daughter, they didn't hesitate to lend her clothes and  get cat food for Darling. They were everything dorea had imagined for parents, for family. She finally got a family who loves her and wants her. A family who doesn't care who she is or what she used to be, they just care about now.

A family who would accept her for whoever she is and whatever she is.

Could things get better?

Sirius never left her side, almost as if she'd just vanish and never be seen again if he did. Even as they boarded the train on the 5th. He led her to the Gryffindor cabins and declared the news to everyone as they laughed and yelled.

They were happy. They were happy she was okay, they were happy she was safe. Dorea didn't think they'd be happy but she finally realized what a heavy weight her staying there was putting on them.

Most of the ride the mauraders joked an talked about their summers but Dorea looked out the window squished between Remus and the wall. There definetly should not be as many people in this cabin as there is and Dorea had grown so she wasn't some tiny kid anymore.

Dorea had barely realized that she was 14. She was 14 now? How could time pass that quickly, she felt like she was still some scared 12 year old in a 14 year old body.

She stared at the wild flowers growing in fields and the birds that flew in the sky and she smiled as she realized, she's free like those birds. They danced in the air and bounced on currents, they soared so elegantly Dorea didn't take her eyes off them until they'd disapeared from her window, off to trance someone else on the train. She could do whatever she wanted. And when the cabin fell silent of no new conversation she blurted.

"I think i might play quiditch this year"

then the cabin errupted in remarks and encouragement, James leaped into talking about all of his quiditch stories and Sirius went on and on about how he should get a cheerleading outfit and be a cheerleader. Remus fully supported the idea.

Dorea laughed at their explosion, she joined in and soon the cabin was so loud the candy lady came to shut them up. That day Sirius, james, peter and Remus all carved their names under the bench. Dorea said she didn't want to but Sirius carved in 'Puff' instead and then wrote "the mauraders'

She was alive. Is this what it felt to live? To truly live? She'd run away, she'd slept on new years eve on a swinging bench, and then been greeted with love in the morning. She'd been loved. She was alive and free. she'd escaped, she thought it was too late. She thought she was stuck but here she was free of that name. Free of that dark and manipulative family.

It was that easy right?

She used her two feet to run away, and she'd gotten a map from a creepy guy, but she'd done it. She'd used her voice and not freaked out., She didn't get all emotional, she held it together. She hadn't cried. She hadn't exploded into rage or whatnot. She'd kept her emotions at bay and just let herself be happy. And she was happy.

But as we know Dorea Black doesn't have the happy ending everyone wants. None of the mauraders do. They were destined for tragedy the day they named themselves that. But they're living their glory days now. Its best we let them. But they leave a mighty fine legacy. Leave a legacy of glory and fun.

If Dorea had carved her name under that bench maybe she would have been recognised. If any of them had put their names on that map they would have been in for  lot more trouble than they got. If things had changed maybe Dorea could have a legacy of change and bravery. But Dorea's ending isn't one of glory its not published in the profit or on the news. But her story is a lesson of choosing loyalty and being true. Her stories end is one of honor, you just have to look closer to see it.


This ones kinda short but it's alright.

I wanted to write more of when she's at the Potters but i guess I didn't

I hope you guys liked it, I'm sorry for the slow updates. I'll try to update more often.

Have a nice day/night


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