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Seven days later

"DOREA BELVINA BLACK" the hall went quiet as people filed out not wanting to be in between Narcissa and her sister. Rea stood there smirking, she was pretty proud of herself for making the team despite what her family believed.

"that's me" She said still smirking

"why do you have to be so difficult. couldn't you have gone a month without breaking one of the family rules?" Cissy says in an exasperated tone

"ha no. there are to many to count" Rea had no idea where this sudden confidence was coming from but she wasn't about to let it go. Maybe it was because she had just well knowing, stood up to her parents in a big way.

"Dorea, you know it's un-lady like to play sports" she emphasized in a rude voice.

"I think it is very lady like to play sports"

"Dorea" Narcissa said warning

"Narcissa" When Dorea said her full name Cissy took a moment to look at the girl. This girl wasn't the one she had been weeks before. But none the less she was her sister. Her baby sister, and Cissy knew what her parents would do if they found out. m

"Mother and Father are going to be furious." Narcissa says 

"mother and father don't have to know" Rea said in a small voice her confidence washing away at the mention of her parents.

"it could be our little secret" Rea said quietly

"rea.. it'll get out"

"well when it gets out so be it but please, please Cissy don't tell them. I finally found something I'm good at. I don't want them to ruin it to. When word gets out in the future, yes they'll know, but we can put that off for as long as we can. Cissy if they do find out I will be the one punished not you, I'll say that I put you under a potion to not tell or black mailed you" she continued


"Cissy, I can't let them win, let's have a small victory. Just one, one they never will have to know about" Rea said making eye contact with her sister.

"I'll think about it."

"Great! We have our first game on Sunday so you can make up your mind then." Rea said practically beaming now.

"alright" Narcissa replied still uneasy about the plan. The idea of going behind her parents back was terrifying even if Dorea said she would take the hit, but Dorea taking the hit would be risky to. They could hurt Rea worse than they've ever hurt her. Rea had been under that curse but onlt twice. But the idea of having a small win against her parents, just one that only they knew about was tempting. Very tempting.


Rea was walking outside near the edge of the woods when someone grabbed her shoulders from behind. She whipped around to see Sirius and his friends. They seemed to be attached at the hip.

"Hey Rea!" Sirius said smiling and removing his hands, Rea returned the smile and waved at the four.

"We heard you made it on the team! You're gonna be great" James said from beside Sirius

"yeah just don't you know die" a voice came from behind Remus, the boy peaked his head through the boys.

"oh peter, she won't die. That's not how it works" James said smacking Peter lightly.

Sirius grabbed her arm and pulled her aside a moment

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