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"yo Dorebelle are you awake"

Dorea was lying on her bed cuddled with Darling and that annoyingly loud voice happened to be the one of Sirius Black.

"no I'm on the moon" she muttered

"Dorknob we need you" a different voice said and this one was James

"dorknob?" she sat up and stared at them.

"yeah dinner plate" Sirius said loudly and Dorea shushed him.

"dinner plate? Really" Dorea laughed getting up, she was in a hoodie and sweat pants her hair was in a braid that sat on her shoulder. "how'd you get in here anyway"

"you left your window unlocked puffball" James laughed

"that was probably Lila I would never" she giggled. She shared a dorm with Lila, Penny Abbott, and Georgia Jackson. Georgia and Penny were close which helped because then we all had a buddy, but we all were farely close.

"skilet report" James whispered and Sirius sighed.

"I'm right behind you"

"what's with all the nicknames" Dorea asked when she had succesfully gotten them out of Hufflepuff house.

"I have no idea dining table" Peter laughed from a bench across from the hufflepuff door.

"they just keep get better and better" she said sarcastically grinning.

Remus walked down the stairs and smirked.

"so how'd your plan go" he laughed

"James fell into the rain gutter a few times" Sirius smirked

"well Pads here fell into the grass cause he saw a cob web on the window sill" James nudged him

"well seems like it was a success" Peter giggled

"so why'd you get me up?" dorea asked

"you have small hands don't you?" James asked

"I guess but so does Penelope here" she said nudging Peter

"I do not." he pouted

"chin up princess you do to" she persisted 

"ok anyway we need you to sneak into potions and grab the paper inside the droore on the bottom shelf of his filling cabinet, then bring it back to us" Sirius said casually

"and why does this include small hands?"

"well we need you to reach under the door with your wand and unlock the door."  James said knowing his plan was flawless

"um couldn't we just use alohamora?" she giggled


"honestly are you that stupid Prongs?" Remus laughed

"what you didn't think of it either."

"I did I just didn't say anything" Remus laughed harder now

"traitor." Sirius pouted.

"I'll be back" Dorea said and began down the hall, the four marauders stood there dumbfounded, she just left.  Was she doing the task they'd asked or not? Did she even know alohamora?

Dorea approached the potions door and quickly muttered 'alohamora' under her breath and with a few sparks it swung open. She then quickly found the paper, a door creaked and she heard footsteps, there was a cough but the classroom was dark.

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