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Bellatrix rather enjoyed Dorea's pleasant company. Dorea was slowly warming back up to her, she began to stop jumping each time Bellatrix entered the room, and stopped freezing when someone touched her. Rodulphous didn't like Dorea, he hated her in fact. the two were opposites and they say opposites attract; they don't. At least not in the case.

Dorea had gained her color back, though she hadn't gained back the energy she used to have. Bellatrix wondered if it would return. Dorea used to be open and bouncy, spontaneus and very naive. Dorea was easy to manipulate, she was easy to win over. Dorea had grown up in household where abuse was common, she grew up thinking that was normal and anyone who treated her as a human was going above and beyond. Especially after this summer her opinions had changed from, I deserve respect to I don't deserve happiness.

Dorea thought anyone who showed even an ounce of respect to her was a saint. Dorea could be pushed into a lake and most likely would apologize to them. Dorea was more aware of her surroundings, prepared for anyone or anything to strike now. 

Bellatrix radiated power and danger, she had gathered so much of a reputation people stayed away, no one would bother harm her. But Dorea, she radiated weakness, she was an easy target, though Dorea had a power most people didn't.

She'd been hurt so many times she was numb, numb to the harm inflicted, yes an emotional toll would be cost but Dorea could fight someone for hours without giving up, fight until unconciousness, fight until death. She'd lost the war but won many battles.

Bellatrix lost battles but would win the war, that was the difference between the two. Dorea wanted to win right then even if it wasn't for the long run, she only thought about now. Dorea would have been out of the family by now if she was thinking of her future, not as an alternate reality, but as a very real obstacle to be faced. Another hurtle on the track.

Bellatrix knew of her future, but she was in better cercumstances than Dorea is now. She could kill Rodulphous the moment her mother died. It wouldn't matter if he stuck around, Dorea didn't have it in her.

Dorea could only ever hurt herself, even inflicting small amounts of pain on others would hurt her more than her victim. The only person Dorea had ever killed was herself, slowly and brutally. Dorea would have left long before this point if she was thinking straight ahead, and not at all the scenery.

She was to busy smelling the flowers to notice the thorns, seeping into her skin, drawing blood, it's delicious poison entering her veins. It was only a matter of time before the poison got to her heart. the moment the poison entered her blood stream she was to far to turn back, to far down the trail to choose another.

Bellatrix was a bloodthirsty woman and knew this was the only way, but she could read between the lines. Dorea would realize how deep she'd sunken, but it'd be too late. She'd attempt to swim back but kill herself in process, dragging along others on her way to meet the clouds.

Dorea was not a hero, but she was not a villian. She lived in the gray area much like her father. But the two had seperate intentions. Cygnus knew exactly what the consequences of his actions were and proceeded, Dorea knew nothing of the consequences and proceeded. Like a blind fish swimming right into the sharks mouth.

Dorea had had her chance to escape, but she was at the point of no return.


The summer ball approached, August began to come to a close. Dorea stood in front of the mirror as Bellatrix brought the two front piece of her curly brown hair back into a very small ponytail connecting in the back. The Ponytail held a big black bow. Bellatrix guided her sister to her vanity and sat her down.

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