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Sirius didn't run after dorea as she walked up to the castle. He didn't yell after her or run to say goodbye because he knew she was speaking the truth. There were eyes everywhere at every moment in the day. None of us could escape them, not even he could. 

He made a point to tell remus that she knew. In all seriousness he was worried about dorea and Regulus. He was worried that the second he left Hogwarts they wouldn't be protected anymore because he knew that the moment they left hogwarts to go home they were no longer protected from the world. He had to accept that they weren't protected anymore, they were on their own.

He had made his choice, he'd left for him. He'd left to blaze the trail for dorea and Regulus but he knew he couldn't push them to leave even when every nerve in his body wanted to just steal them and have them at the Potters. he wanted them to be safe, but he knew they believed different things, he knew they had different lives and they always would.

He had no choice but to wait for Dorea to leave.


Dorea stayed alone, just as she had months before.

She went home for break and barely spoke a word. She danced with Regulus as the two avoided eyes, she hid in the attic of the Black estate as Regulus sat in an empty chair alone in a corner on the floors below. 

Dorea turned 14, she grew over christmas break. She grew a few inches but Regulus? Regulus grew at least a foot he looked like a teenager, he looked older. They both did. Dorea talked to herself quietly when she was alone, about anything and everything. But the thing that freightened her the most was the fact that when she was alone in her room or anywhere really, she'd stare at a spot on her wall and zone out for hours.

She'd think of her future, she planned the second she got out of school she'd do it. She'd run away, she had it perfectly planned out. she knew exactly what she'd do. She'd first apparate to the Lestrange manor, she'd grab as little as she needed and would say goodbye to her sister, though she wouldn't say goodbye exactly, she'd just take one last look. She'd then apparate to Malfoy mannor and say hello to Narcissa, have tea with her one last time and then she'd catch a train. She'd go as far away from london as she could. She'd send word to Regulus when she got there, perhaps she'd take Regulus with her. They'd call Sirius and tell him where they were going, so he would know in case anything happened then they'd fly anywhere. Dorea had seen a small town in canada in the muggle profit one morning, it had just bread a new species of carrot. Maybe they'd live there and farm carrots for the rest of their lives. Maybe that's their happily ever after. She'd told Regulus but he'd only scowled at the idea of leaving London.  

She was knocked out of her thoughts as Bellatrix nudged her, Bella had been sitting beside her for the longest time and Dorea hadn't noticed. "a thought for a thought?" she proposed 

"sure I guess"Dorea stared at the floor. "what if i left" she muttered

"what?" Bellatrix remained calmly toned only god knows what was going on in her head. Thoughts a mile a minute.

"what if i left London when I'm 17. Just packed up and left."

"you couldn't, you're to be married and-"

"Bella what if that's not what I want. Doesn't anyone in this family want more?"

"what could you want dorea you have everything"

"I have nothing." she cracked " Bella I wnat to see the world, i want to fall in love, I want to be someone, do soemthing, anywhere. Anywhere but here."

"you and regulus could move out of town-"

"there is no me and regulus. We're friends not a couple. We never will be together"

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