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She landed on the platform floor, her mothers hand still on her shoulder. Dorea pulled away, she pulled her braid onto her shoulder and smiled at her parents. She disliked them so much, but she knew they hated her more. Only using her as a pawn on their chess boards. Seems like an opponent has entered their solo game of chess.

Druella and Cygnus Black showed no emotion toward her but she hugged her mother, cringing so much as she did so. She smiled up at her disgusted mother. She saw the horrid hatred in her mothers eyes as she snaked her arms out of Dorea's scarred grasp.

"I'll miss you, love you" she smiled as she walked away. Leaving her parents either disgusted or confused. The sudden change in behavior towards them would throw them off their rythym, just enough time for Dorea to through in her next play, without them noticing.

It was all a friendly game of chess right?

She boarded the train and went to her normal compartment, right before she got to it an arm yanked her into a different compartment. She froze when she was touched and continued to freeze until she realized it was just James. 

James, his messy hair and all stood before her with a flabbergasted look on his face. He seemed relieved, annoyed, and shocked all at once. He was wearing brown slacks and a half tucked in shirt, clearly his mother had tried to make him look half way presentable but he didn't care for the act in any way. He liked how messy his hair was and if his mother tried to run a hair comb through it he'd fight back.

"I thought you were dead." he said animatedly, he raised his hands annoyed but she just smirked slightly at his overly dramatic actions.

"you should've listened to Remus"

"Young lady is that back talk I hear." Sirius appeared from behind James. Dorea flinched a little when he placed a hand on her shoulder, she tried to cover it up. James then noticed the long scar down the right side of her face.

"I thought it would heal" he muttered placing a hand on her cheek, his thumb rubbing on the indented scar. He wanted to look away as he saw the horrid indent in her face, it was just a reminder of the suffering her and Sirius both grew up with, and continued to live with.

"it didn't" she said plainly. She didn't want to talk about it.  Sirius and James dropped their hands.

"Puff you should've written" Remus appeared from a small crowd passing by, he stopped and stood beside Sirius, as people began to walk by.

"I know I should've"

"well, you won't fail to next time right"

"I won't"

"Pinky promise?" Remus had taught Dorea about pinky promises a while ago, about half way into her first year. She wanted him to believe she would write next time.  She held out her pinky and he shook it with his.

"pinky promise" he chuckled.

"what just happened" James asked Sirius

"I don't know, I think they just made an unbreakable vow" Sirius gasped and looked at the two who were now laughing uncontrollably at the pair.

"is this a side effect" James whispered 

"I've never heard of any side effects, besides dying"


"well yeah that's what makes it unbreakable" 

Dorea just laughed walking off as the two boys remained as confused until Remus explained.


The ride to the castle was boring and long, Amos and Lila played a heated card game while Dorea cheared them on.

They stopped at hogsmeade and she along with Amos, and Lila walked to the carriages.

The ride up to the castle was filled with chatter of their summers. Dorea's summer was actually really good. She met Newt and learned a lot, she fought back and despite her depression for like a month and half she was good.

They got to the castle and the ritualistic feast began.

First Dumbles talked about the year. Then the first years came in, then they got sorted, then he said his confusing, misleading speach of nonsense. Being the loveable nut he was he just blabbered about quiditch and the new year.

"-and everyone give a warm welcome to our new Care of Magical Creatures teacher Mr. Newt Scammander" He boomed and Dorea's face lit up, she looked up to see an awkward looking Newt, he looked out of place by all the teachers.

He smiled uncomfortably at all the students then his eyes caught an overly excited pair of light brown. She looked like she was gonna burst with excitement that he was hear. He couldn't help but smile at her giddy face, he chuckled when she waved his way. Their eyes tore apart when loud booms sounded around the hall.

Large bursts of color brought the hall alive. Cheering overlapped the loud bomb noises as huge fireworks burst in the air. The sparks coming from none others wand than James Potter. Sirius was close by him holding his wand up as sparks flew through the tip of his. The students yelled in joy as everyone marveled over the beautiful sparks. Though Dumbles silenced everyone up quickly.

He ceased the sparks with a flick of his wand and James' face fell and he fake pouted.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black det-" McGonagle began but was interupted by a flailing boy running from the Gryffindor table to where James and Sirius stood. Peter Flailed his arm in the air and a noodle like spark flew into the arm.

"fine. Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Pettigrew, detention" she had to hide her smile and hold in her laughter at Peter's attempt. Remus sat at the Gryffindor table holding in his laughter, he had clearly taught the boys the spell, though Peter hadn't quite grasped it.

The dinner continued as if that hadn't happened but Dorea couldn't help her smile. This year was going to be a good year. No doubt.


Ok I totally didn't listen to imagine dragons while writing this ;)

Heh T-minus 4 days until my doom.

I'm gonna have to explain all my missing assignments :(

It's like having your camera on and mic on always

not excited to not have a mute button on everyone, that was one of the wonderful things to happen during quarentine, the invention of always having access to a mute button.

I'm also not looking forward to wearing a mask all day. That won't be fun.

But I know it's for everyone's safety and I would feel so bad if I got anyone sick.

enough about my troubles

I hope you all stay warm, this has been a harsh winter it's almost over though, final stretch guys!

Bundle up with some blankets, put on some socks, cozy up

Stay positive it'll get better, it's gonna get easier somehow, someday soon

Have a good day/night get some good sleep


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